Monday, January 12, 2015

30th Email Home January 12, 2015

This is a cute video! Chad says " That video was the Bomb!"

I am eternally grateful for my family and for my Lord my God, you that give service for the Lord will be blessed, we see that as we give just a small portion of what we have like tithing, its only 10 percent its pretty much nothing and yet the God blesses us with so many blessings that we feel his presence and we change. Also, how the Savior Jesus Christ has forgiven many sins if we read the Bible it talks about Jesus forgiving people, like this one woman that had committed adultery, and the people were about to stone her, because it was the law of Moses and the only thing Jesus said was,"Any of you that is without sin let him be the first one to cast the first stone" and everyone departed and Jesus spoke to the woman,"where are the people that accuse you?" and she said," no man Lord" and with this response of Jesus," Neither do I accuse you, go and sin no more", and when I heard this he is truely the savior of the world and that any man can come unto him and be clean doesnt matter what you have done, you just need a heart of change a heart of believing that all is possible through our savior Jesus Christ, I try to be like him every day to help others come to know the truth, its hard, but possible I will not give up!

  I love the great blessings of the Lord, how its changing my family, I love when I hear news of my family that is not active change and have a desire to come back to the fold, the path is tough, but we have the Lord to guide us to the end. I challenge all my family that is not active and they have a desire to change to put your faith in Christ and pray with a sincre intent that you can recieve an answer and I promise you in the name of Jesus Christ you will have an answer, when you have this answer you cannot deny your answer and you will have a desire to go to church and to be perfect like Jesus Christ.

  Brandons hair is almost missionary length now, he just needs to send in his papers and prepare for THE BEST TWO YEARS! Then read the Book of Mormon cover to cover then GO! Well, I love you all!  

 My companion sleeping!

 Drinking coconut water

It was fantastic! Me in Paradise!

  PizzaHut! woot!

 The sisters had a Baptism and we were invited.

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