Monday, January 5, 2015

29th Email Home January 5, 2015

(The package that we sent to Chad for Christmas was held up in Mexico City Customs for 3 weeks then sent back home. Chad did not receive any Christmas gifts. I told Chad that his Dad and I are speaking in Church this Sunday on making commitments)

I love recieving pictures of the family and letters its so fun to see whats going on in the family, I am a little sad, but its completely okay I have a loving family and thats the greatest gift ever, no gift of the world can make me feel the eternal love of my family and so dont worry that I didnt receive nothing I have you all! Well, this week was super awesome we had another baptism!!!! It was the other child of the family that speaks English and he was very scared that he would change in a bad way, but I have explained that we change yes, but we have the gift of the Holy Ghost to guide us and also we improve to do good and then one of the Leaders of the Zone talked to him and he accepted and now is comfirmed a member this past Sunday!!!! Now we have to baptize the mother Paula she speaks English also, but was raised in Chiapas so she speaks the languages.. I will pray for you both, that you can give an inspired message of the Lord that the spirit will be with you both and can be a great help to others that stand in need of this topic. I also have deep desires that Brandon can attend church again, I have never had this desire in my heart so strong before, but help him to at least assist the sacrament meeting, please and thank you. I am starting to have desires to have others come to church more to know of the truth, yeah he has been to church, but theres always a chance that he can feel the spirit in this like we have, people are blinded and we can be the guide by helping them read, pray, and attend church and I know that who ever trys this with real intent to know more WILL recieve an answer I promise in the name of Jesus Christ. I love you all! No photos right now another member has a lot of the baptism so I will try to send them as fast I can!

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