Friday, June 10, 2016

100th Email Home May 23, 2016

 HELLOS!(Yes, I spent hello with an "s" on purpose!) I really do agree, that the days are going by too fast! I think we need to have a family fast to longer our days, but if you can to longer mine! I really feel like the time is not on my side,  I want to baptize a lot of people and to help as much as I can before I go home, so I can feel like I have actually done something in Coita! Lol! I can't wait to see your project's, it will be a fun thing to see. Oh, I think I do remember her, is her husband the one that had the blue pickup? or am I wrong? I think I will remember when I see her face! But that is sad, but good for her, because now she is on a beautiful beach, enjoying a piña-colada! What a luck woman! Brother Herbert is still in the ward? I thought he would have been long gone, with having a family and all! Honestly, I think that if we grieve for 1 day it's okay, but you shouldn't carry on with those memories forever, I feel like it's like you don't believe in the eternal Plan of Salvation. For those who do grieve, like you said are going to be depressed and hurt for along time. Like seeing the people that can't let go of their dead son's clothes or they just leave their room the same forever, it's sad and it will eat at that person forever until they can change and let go. Save the good memories of loved ones and have pictures of them to remember that we were sealed and we will be together once again, that is the truth and the Love of our Heavenly Father! Good for you Mom, your faith in the Lord and his plan is wonderful to hear!

  Wow! That is great news! I would love to see more and hear more from him, interacting with the family. I hope he will feel apart of the family again, so we can watch him and his family grow! Sounds like a "Mad house", it must had been fun to have all of them! You guys still watch Mary Poppins??? Hmm. I have no idea why those kinds of movies bugged me when I was a kid, maybe it was because I liked more manly stuff like, explosions, cars, etc. I have really have been enjoying the music from the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, it has helped me feel the Spirit a lot stronger and I actually love to listen to the music a lot! I want to sing professionally, maybe not has a career, but my hobby to entertain the fam., friends, and others! It's just a dream of mine! 

 That FHE sounded good! I hope one FHE we can all do a service project for a neighbor or a family member, it gets me feeling good! We could do "How to make mint brownies" and then go door to door giving them out and then come home and eat some with a nice glass of milk! MMM! 
  Thanks, Mom for all that you do and for your outstanding support! YOUR THE BEST MOTHER IN THE WORLD! 
 This is a picture from one of the houses of a member we were with, nothing impressive, but you know. 

A members birdy was getting wet! 

This is my wonderful bed! And yes, that's a tiger on the blankets!

 A selfie with my beloved companion Elder Fernandez!
Well, sorry again it's not much, but it's hard work and I will get more for the next week! Love you!

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