Monday, April 20, 2015

44th Email Home April 20, 2015

Well, this week was a bit difficult, first Elder Armstrong got
transfered to a place much hotter than Tuxtla, but its okay, because I
have my new companion! Elder Madueño, hes from the same area of Elder
Brass, in Sinaloa and he was once a Jovah Witness, its funny, because
he says that witnesses are easy to convert, but the hard part is just
contacting them, we do our best not to contend with any religion,
because in the scriptures it says that, "the spirit of contention is
not of God" it is important that we dont contend with scriptures,
because all the people are going to do is get angry or they are going
to have other scriptures to battle with, the way to help some one that
is lost is help them, by inviting them to activities, doing service
for them, pray for them, be a friend, they may be hard hearted, but
everyone can change, we just need patience and Love.

  Our investigators are pretty much the same the new investigators
that we have contacted, I cant really say anything about them yet,
because we have only taught them once, so we will see if they
progress, I know if we are continuely obedient they will progress
without a doubt, the works of obedience is very hard and tiring, but
once we see the progress of our work, we know that I is worth it and
we help others follow. José is slowly slipping away we have to help
him understand baptism and the Sabbath day, just one day he will be
like, "I want to be baptized" and then I will be jumping up and down
for joy! I love baptisms! Cindy and Antonio, I think that Cindy is
reading and praying every day, but every time we pass by to teach her
mother and brother she is off doing her own thing and listening kind
of, we have invited her to sit down, but she says no I am good. Her
mother and brother are very good they both love reading and
understanding what the scripture is saying and they will progress with
this desire.

Are you serious!?!? Theres two weddings and I cant go to either one!
Can you atleast send me some cake and a ton of pictures?!?!?! Its soo
crazy how Brayden is getting married so soon, we had plans to chill
and go to college and be bros., but then Cristy had to step in... I
know she is soo cool and all, but we had a bro code. I dont like
growing up.. Everything changes to much and nothing stays the same.
Well I guess I will just enjoy my vacation here in Chiapas! haha! I
going to have baptisms and you guys are going to eat cake! I need to
go, but dont forget to send pictures of everything! Okay?!?! I cant
send pictures right now, because this computer is on level 5 lock down
mode, every time I try to send pictures it says,"error cant acess for
security reasons" so next week I will send them!  LOOOVE YOU!!!

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