Monday, February 1, 2016

84th Email Home January 25,2016

 Hola! Family! This weeks report is about the investigators that we have and that are progressing, first off we have Sister Adriana, she is a mom of a daughter that will be leaving on her mission in a few months and we are talking a little more with her every once in a while, but she is a good person, she went to the church one Sunday and said that it was beautiful, but she only went to the sacrament meeting, but it's okay. We are still working on a way to get her married with her boyfriend, but I don't know when we could do that, maybe with a lot of prayers! The other person is a brother called Jorge, he went this Sunday and he said that he loved it, only we need to plan with him a little more, because we showed up late to church and so we didn't get the full experience, maybe next week! Then, there is a sister called Karla, she only is 10 years old, but she loves the church, we invited her to baptism and she said," YES!" her parents are Catholic, but her mom was, baptized in the Mormon church! We, will see if we can help open the eyes of the parents this week and sister Karla can get baptized! 

   That is soo cool to hear that Elder Whitehead has to shower with a bucket and a cup, that what I do some times too, because the water right now is super freezing, according to the weather system, it is about 82 degrees right now, but last night it was about 59 degrees and I was a little warmer this night, because I used a blanket, but these for these past few days, my toes were frozen! We don't have the privilege to drink sugar water often, but we do drink a lot of things that you can't find in the United States and I wouldn't recommend any of these drinks to anyone, like Pozol(Natural chocolate, mixed with other mysteries), tazcalate( Some of the people here call this,"Brick water", because it looks like bricks grinded into powder) avena( It's like oat meal, but with more water and sugar and you put it into a cup.). It is funny to hear from other members say,"Do you know what's happening at your house?" and I answer," No, because I can't look other websites." They tell me that right now United States is a lot colder right now, there are blizzards, in Utah, then I was thinking, should I tell him that,that always happens, but I didn't want to be a jerk. I am glad that the missionaries in these tough times can still, continue on, there are a lot of distractions and things that get us carried away from missionary work and then, the missionaries just choose not to obey. I feel like all the time I have been out here, I have no regrets, the only regret is learning Spanish to the max, but that doesn't matter, I still have the opportunity to learn at home and I still have 5 months or so left, so I am going to try getting it down quickly! 

    I am still thinking of the things I can buy to bring back to the family, although I have a lot of time left I want to make plans on what I am going to get you all! I still need the measurements of the family, like small, medium, large, extra large. If we can get the names of the people with the size together, it would be a lot easier. Example: Jared - Large, Garrett-Large, Etc. Por Fiz! Gracias! This is my small message, I am sorry, but I will do better next time! 

  Missionary activity, We watched, " Meet the Mormons"! 

My loving companion 

 We were trying to teach a young man about the gospel, but he took pictures instead

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