Monday, January 25, 2016

83rd Email Home January 18,2016

Hello?!!?!?! Hello, Family! As another week goes by fast, I still try to keep on working as much as a can and the weeks for me are a blur, so I am now taking note that the last part of the mission does go by fast and I want to talk pictures and buy things, but I need to have the measurements of all my brothers and sisters, so that I can find shirts for you all, because this experience I can just keep it to myself, also I can't take pictures in the street, because the people are watching us and it's against the rules to take pictures in front of people.... 

  To tell you all what we are doing this past week and what we always try to do, is invite everyone to come to church and a lot of people promised that they were going to come to church, but only 2 came this Sunday and the other investigator we don't even know, because she lives in another city, but she only has about 11 or 12 year of age and she loves coming to church, and the other sister that came to church, only stayed for the first hour, because she had to do other things, but she said that she liked the church and what she heard that day, then said that she will come back the next Sunday, but with more time to spare, so we are excited to finally have an investigator with us and that will turn into a baptism, all we need to do is marry sister Adriana with her boyfriend and then baptize the two! 

   We have set up a plan for the ward and the name for it is called the work of Salvation and it is to help not only the investigators progress, but also the less actives and even the members to be more strengthened, so yesterday we completed the plan, now we are putting it into the computer, to make it look nice!  We also have the privelege to hear from an Elder Torres, have never heard of him, but I hope that what he needs to say will change the desires of every missionary hear to work super hard in the mission field! 1. My first breakfast burrito that I made in México!2. I was a beast at painting those walls! 3. We were just helping a sister paint her room and it took a long time...! 

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