Monday, February 1, 2016

85th Email Home February 1,2016

Helloooo everyone! I have been doing really great this week! Our investigators didn't show up at church this week, but we are not sad, we are just worried for them, because it's the only way that they can get closer to God's love, to know of his plan and get baptized. We were close to get Brother Mariano into church, because he was telling us that his boss told him that they weren't going to work, because in the morning gets cold and they were planning on just waiting until the noon, but the day started off hot and we were waiting in the Chapel and he didn't show up, so we thought he slept in, but later in the day I finally checked the phone and he sent a message saying that he was working! He was very sad, because he loves the church, but we told him that it was okay. We also received a message from the bishop on Thursday, saying," Hey Elders! I'm not going to be in church this Sunday, also can you both give a talk about missionary work?" and I was like," Well, okay..." and so, we didn't have time to prepare anything Thursday or Friday, because I went to another area for a day, so I was worried, because I was running out of time and once the transfers ended, I asked my companion if he prepared his talk and he was like,"Aaa! I forgot!" and I started to laugh, when I got back it was a Saturday and did have time to study in the morning and so all that was left was Sunday in the morning! We woke up and got ready and started to study and I finished my talk in about an hour and I was thinking that it wasn't going to take along time to share my talk, but it lasted about 16 mins and my companion was next and he said that I didn't leave him a lot of time to talk, in a way I felt happy and filled with the spirit, because when I shared my talk I first felt a bit nervous, but then I felt calm afterwards and could, express myself a little more! 
  I am glad that the Gospel is interesting concept, I feel like we can suffer to hear the Gospel, because we haven't humbled ourselves enough, but when we enjoy the discussion, we have the desire to ask questions and think about the things we do in the church, then our hungry will be satisfied and we can apply these covenants or prinicipals in our lifes and share with others! For me I love the Book of Mormon, it is soo hard for the to put down when I study, because when we study, we can only study 20 mins the Book of Mormon and then 20 mins Preach My Gospel, and then other gospel library books, when I study the Book of Mormon, I feel the desire to know more, in Spanish it has a different explanation of what is happening in the story and I have learned a lot more from my studies. Oh, and did you and dad throw away the animated Book of Mormon videos?

 That is great that everything is going well with the nails business, I hope you are learning how to take out ingrown toe nails, because I might have some when I get back, I am trying to fight them, but my nails grow fast! It would be awesome to have a family get together every month, maybe watch a movie or play UNO or something, it would be fun!

Me and my companion are leaving to different areas tomorrow, I will be going to Huixtla and my companion will be going to Arriaga! I will most likely be ending my mission in Huixtla, being District leader! We are sad, but excited! Love you all soo very much!     

 My first pair of shoes!

                                                 My shoes that don't work anymore!

   I drank a lot of milk!

Saying good-bye to the Lopez Family

 Also, good-bye to Sister Blanca!

Good-bye to another Lopez family( not related to other Lopez)
Cabellero Family

Zone Picture! 
 We bought Cheese cake and we ate it all!

 District picture! 

I was getting drunk off of milk!

 We drank a lot of milk!

SUSHI! with the buds! 

California special! 

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