Tuesday, February 24, 2015

36th Email Home February 23, 2015

WOW! This week has passed by so fast, I can barely remember what happened, because we had our preparation day and then tuesday was our activity with the President of the Mission, we first went Zoo for like an hour then after we had the option to play football, soccer, basketball, or volleyball. I just played volleyball, because the MTC got me hooked its soo fun even though I am not good, I will keep playing! Next we ended the day with the movie, " Do you know the Mormons" or something like that, because it was in Spanish, but it was very interesting with all the stories; it just gives me a little more hope that the people from other religions will watch this movie and they can know the truth of what we really do and that we just want everyone to know the truth not for power or for any kind of gain, because what gain do I get when I convert a person? The only gain I get is another brother or sister saved and I feel happier and the spirit stronger.

  We have had 2 weeks now that the bishopric has talked about what the real importance of having an Apostle here, they went back to talking about the time that Jesus Christ was here in the world and his ministry and that he had 12 Apostles and that we are lucky to have a real Apostle of God here with us, I will be sure to listen very carefully and if I can write his teachings. I am also excited that he wants to shake our hands and meet with all the missionaries in the mission. FINALLY I GET TO SHAKE THE HAND OF AN APOSTLE!!!WOOT! Im calm... I want to say something to him, but I need time to think a little for when he comes, this might be my only chance to talk to an Apostle, so I got to make it count! How is the Family going? Is everyone happy??!!?!? I love you all FAM! Hope you are all good! The Computer is garabage I cant send the photos! I will work hard to send them!

 And my camera doesnt work right now so I will try to send more next week!

Starting New!

 Temple Pics! 

more Animals!

Im scared!

35th Email Home February 16, 2015

 This week was a fun week as we worked with all we could, while we were sick my companion had a bad stomach for a little bit and me problems with my throat, but that didnt stop us at all! We work no matter what thats how important this message is and I can see the blessings for working no matter what, its very important that we can endure out in the field if not we will be weakened and we will not be able to complete this precious work, my companion helps me see a lot clearer with what we need to do and I am truly grateful for his assistance. 
  I am freaking out for (in a way that I am excited!) the time when DALLIN H. OAKS comes! Hes coming to OUR STAKE! Out of all the stake buildings in Tuxtla he picks the one that I am at, but the members are explaining what we need to do, because theres going to be security every where when he comes and also I cant even ask him for his Autograph! How outrageous! We cant even take a picture!!!!!, but hey, I chill. At least there will be food! WOOT! Hes coming 28 Feb and 1 Mar  so we are so close!! Its going to be in English, but there will be a translator! I will try not to freak out when he comes. lol!

  I feel and see the blessings here in my area, first we get an Apostle and next I am improving in my Spanish, what next a baptism? There are rewards for being obedient and hard working and if we have desires to serve God and his children we can have the companion of the Holy Ghost, I know this to be true and I know that is hard, but possible, so when we have hard times and you do feel down, just get down humbly before God and ask him for help and guidance and he will send aid, because he Loves us, this is my testimony and I know we can do all things through the help of God. Love you all fam.!  

34th Email Home February 9, 2015

I was reading a topic in liahona and saying that we need to bring others back to the Faith and its such a good talk! (December 2014) I might start a fast one day this week to help people to soften up to think more in Christ, as many members we are bring into the church the same number or more are falling away.

My week was some what an awesome experience, with people closer to getting baptized and as we deliver a message to others, I can feel the spirit working with us as we wake up and go working, the spirit is stronger with us, because we are being obedient everyday, well we dont make it home on time some times and then we are disobedient, but we will be working on that for more people to get baptized or to find out an answer of God so they can progress to know everything that Heavenly Father wants for them.

  It is awesome that my companion is so focused in this work! He understands what people are saying and gives a very power message to them, there are some problems when it comes to directions, but its okay the Lord has given me the gift to find where to go and with our awesome powers combined, we are a more effective teaching force! I am learning so much from him how I can be a stronger missionary, its cool, because he says that he is scared to talk people, but he talks with them anyways, we are not here to be the same we are here to help others and change to help others after this world also to know the truth also.

  I see many confused here, the cloud of darkness has blinded them as we invite them to repent and come unto Christ and we ask them to pray to know the truth, their are some that see and want to change. These people are changing so fast in knowing the truth they feel something as we teach and they want more and honestly its not us its the Holy Ghost working with them, the Holy Ghost is a very strong worker and we are just the guides in this marvelous work, I will change to bring all the people we teach to know the truth, I will work on my testimony that as I give it, it will not be just me speaking, but the spirit testifying to them of these things that I know to be true! 

 I dont have any pictures this week, I keep getting lazy! I Love you all though and thank you all for your support!  

33rd Email Home February 2, 2015

This week has been a very good experience, even though we cant find people to teach, but the people that we do have to teach are ready for baptism all they need to do is go to church about 5 times and hear all the commandments and the 3 important messages like the restoration, the plan Salvation, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ and they are on there way to enduring to the END! Woot! 

  The people of this Branch are the nicest people in the whole world, they serve us everyday wether its with someone to come teach with us or to just give us food and the food is sooooooo gooood!!!!! We just eat to much every time and we are like," AWWWW! MI estomago! No Mas por favor! Then we try to walk it off, but the weight is soo much! I think if we continue to eat this much everyday, I will come back really fat and always have the attitude of sleeping....

  I have been focusing on trying to have a family relationship with everyone, because I feel that if we are just go in to teach and just think about the lesson the investigators,members, and probably my companions wont want to remember me either so, I am trying to take action now and make some new family members and friends! (Not that theres anything wrong with our family, I just want more to share the happiness with!)

  My and my new companion have turned a new page, well for me at least, now we are exactly obedient and times we do more then we are asked, I find it a lot harder when I have companions that are excellent workers, but dont want to wake up in the morning, but my new companion is changing me into a person that can, one day set an example for others and be a good leader in this sacred time. I dont know how many times I have said this, but the mission sounds like a long time, but honestly the mintues are like seconds and the days are like hours and I am losing time quickly so I must make this time focused on the investigators and Get Some Baptisms! YEAH! I love you all FAM and AMIGOS! 
 A River!

STARBUCKS!!!!!!! and a member! It was a bit hard to order my drink, but it was a member to hear my order so it was all good. Just exactly the same and I am in love again!lol  
I got to go mums and  yeah its great, but tough every day!

32nd Email Home January 26, 2015