Tuesday, February 24, 2015

33rd Email Home February 2, 2015

This week has been a very good experience, even though we cant find people to teach, but the people that we do have to teach are ready for baptism all they need to do is go to church about 5 times and hear all the commandments and the 3 important messages like the restoration, the plan Salvation, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ and they are on there way to enduring to the END! Woot! 

  The people of this Branch are the nicest people in the whole world, they serve us everyday wether its with someone to come teach with us or to just give us food and the food is sooooooo gooood!!!!! We just eat to much every time and we are like," AWWWW! MI estomago! No Mas por favor! Then we try to walk it off, but the weight is soo much! I think if we continue to eat this much everyday, I will come back really fat and always have the attitude of sleeping....

  I have been focusing on trying to have a family relationship with everyone, because I feel that if we are just go in to teach and just think about the lesson the investigators,members, and probably my companions wont want to remember me either so, I am trying to take action now and make some new family members and friends! (Not that theres anything wrong with our family, I just want more to share the happiness with!)

  My and my new companion have turned a new page, well for me at least, now we are exactly obedient and times we do more then we are asked, I find it a lot harder when I have companions that are excellent workers, but dont want to wake up in the morning, but my new companion is changing me into a person that can, one day set an example for others and be a good leader in this sacred time. I dont know how many times I have said this, but the mission sounds like a long time, but honestly the mintues are like seconds and the days are like hours and I am losing time quickly so I must make this time focused on the investigators and Get Some Baptisms! YEAH! I love you all FAM and AMIGOS! 
 A River!

STARBUCKS!!!!!!! and a member! It was a bit hard to order my drink, but it was a member to hear my order so it was all good. Just exactly the same and I am in love again!lol  
I got to go mums and  yeah its great, but tough every day!

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