Monday, November 16, 2015

72nd Email Home November 2,2015

 Well, this week was a good time to help a lot of less actives come to know of the Gospel more, with the help of some youth to help explain the gospel and their testimonies, I think that they spoke with power and with the love of Christ that helps these people leave their shell and come to know of the goodness of Christ, it's sad to hear that many believe and know that the church is true, but they don't want nothing to do with the church, only to hear messages from the missionaries and with this, I am grateful for them not giving up completely, they want to come back, but they just need that boost again to help them change! The reasonings of why things happen or why do we do things different from other churches is all answered in the scriptures. Me and a few other Elders were talking about the scriptures and what's in the earth and alone with that we were so overwhelmed with all the doctrine and how everything that is in the world, like the strange things and cities well, pretty much everything is mentioned in the scriptures and in there we can find our answers, but not only this but through personal revelation, we can comprehend everything if we are searching with really intent and it is for the benefit of the plan of God! 

 The way Jared is yelling into Mari's face is a bit rude, but it looks super funny, I don't think Jared will ever lose his sense of humor, I hope he never does either, because he is made to be funny! I feel that the family is actually working to change and they want to have a better life. I hope that Garrett and Wayne will make good decisions while they are working out there. 

 Is Mariasha Maleficent? And Jared is Shrek? It's okay if you don't have anymore pictures. I have bad news, but also good news. The bad news is that my memory had a virus and so we took off all the pictures that we could, and deleted all the viruses, but I can't plug in my memory into the computer right now... The Good news is that I have pretty much all the pictures in another file and they are all safe, also the member, that was helping us recover my pictures said, that he can try to bring back my pictures that were deleted from my memory and then I won't have a problem! I am also thinking that I going to buy another memory that comes with a anti-virus protection so I can use my camera's pictures again. Well I have to go I hope to hear from you all soon! Sorry for writing sooo late, my companion wasn't feeling well and we were in the doctor's office all day long! LOVE YOU ALL!  

More pictures that a sister was helping me take! these were pictures from my Birthday! Sisters Diaz and Sister Castillo!

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