Monday, November 16, 2015

71st Email Home October 26, 2015

Hello family members and friends alike! How is everything going? Everything is good here, although there were signs of the hurricane in México, it didn't touch Chiapas! In Wednesday, it was soo crazy I have never seen so much water in the streets in my life! The water was a little higher than my knees and we still had to work, but not everyone was willing to open up their doors to recieve us, so we went with a sister that is less active and we helped her to think about going to church, but she isn't less active for nothing, she always has family members that want to come by her house and the days are always Saturday and Sunday! So, she says that she can't go because of them, but I think we need to teach her to be more dedicated to the gospel, we normally invite her about a week before, but always her family comes out anyway..( Her parents-in-law aren't members of the church!) 
  Our investigators as of right now aren't coming to church, we always invite them to come chill with us and they always say,"Yes!", but they don't come, so we are trying to plan with our ward mission leader to help us put together a group of members that can help these investigators come to church, so that they can have a friend to talk with and people to guide them! We are going to talk with sister Alondra today to see why she couldn't come to church on Sunday! To tell you the truth we are finding more less actives than investigators, everyday more there is a less active calling us to help them and my wish is that all of them can come to church and that one day the ward can split and this area can grow bigger! There is only one less active that doesn't want to hear from us right now, but the other less actives are accepting us everytime and they want to change! I'm still with my same companion Elder Avila and we are learning how we can help this area to be more active!!!! 
 The weather here has been extremely hot, before it was okay, but now I am feeling the burn! The only thing is that I cannot tan here, everyone is tanning except me! I am like a walk sunscreen!! The only thing that I like about my body is my immune system, everyone is always getting sick and I am like,"What are you guys talking about?!!?!?!", I can eat all the food that the members give me and the most recent craziest thing that I have eaten was a raw turtles egg and everyone that was eating it was saying," It's soooo Good!!" and I was like," I was okay.... What's next?" Although during the day I felt a boost of energy from the egg and it was quite nice!  
  I hope the things Crystal is selling is going well! Less things for me to carry around, that I will never use! Aww, I kind of miss Halloween, when I got free candy and I got to dress up as my favorite characters, those were the good ole days! I hope to see a lot of pictures of decorations and Chewy!
 We recieved the new Liahona that talks about Joesph Smith and How he translated the Book of Mormon! It was so perfect and awesome is here so much information about the translation! The Article talks about mysterious objects that Joesph Smith used to help he in this process, There is a lot more that explains his experience during this time! About my camera's memory I think it deleted all the pictures that I have tooken with my companion, but don't worry I HAVE MORE!! WOOOT!! I have my card that says that I am a missionary of the church and then it has the dates when I entered and when I end and yeah my mission will be cut off 3 weeks!! It's pretty sad and kind of sucks, because I want to stay longer, but we can't even extend our time here! Oh and I will try to take pictures of my scripture covers for the next week! But they aren't so beautiful with the drawling, because the brother onloy had a nail to engrave the picture to the skin, but I think that I can find someone at home that knows how to work with cow hide, but I don't know! 
 The only people that are constantly writing me are, My companion that ended his mission Elder Montes, Johan( He is a member from the first area, and he is leaving to serve his mission in México city!), on occasions my old group from the MTC! I haven't had time to respond to everyone I always have to sacrifice not writing one person! NO PICTURES! My memory deleted everything! Well until next week!

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