Monday, November 16, 2015

73rd Email Home November 9, 2015

well,Family I have been in Tapachula for 6 months and I have sad news that I am going to be leaving! My new area will be Tuxtla again! Although I am going to leave this beautiful place, I can't wait to see what my area is like and my new companion too! His name is Elder Júarez and that's all I know right now, because I don't leave until tomorrow! So wish me luck!

  My companion continued being sick for about 3 days more and then, we left the house, FINALLY! It was so boring just sitting around! We have been having help from the youth of the ward and so we really enjoyed that time with them!

  Our investigators are leaving us!! One of the sisters that was so close to being baptized has left to Tuxtla..!! But that's where I am going hahaha! Then another moved to another city, but it is okay I am sure she will be baptized soon!! 

  I probably had an espiritual experience this past week, but either I don't remember or I wasn't paying attention... The only thing that was very impressive was when a recient convert was asking for us to borrow some oil to bless his baby. This moment was very special, because normally everyone runs to the Elders to bless their children. I am not saying that we don't like to give blessings, but when there is an able priesthood holder in the family. I don't want to deny giving a blessing to someone in need, but the family should have a patriarch to help I every moment!

 I haven't had the chance to go to the zoo, because here in Tapachula there is no zoo, but there are ruins, that I have never been to, but the tour guides help the people understand what happened in the time of the nephites and lamanites, they explain how people were doing rituals and this was in the times when they were wicked  and they also did sacrifices and other things, but that was I heard from my companion, I don't know if I will ever have the opportunity to see the ruins and the dream of Lehi carved into stone, but it's okay I don't need something to see to build my faith! 

 In our ward we have family home evening every friday at 6 pm and we try to invite everyone that we can, but no one comes, so we are planning to do a sport activity and invite the less actives to have a good time to come back to church!

Well, I have to go, but I will try to put pictures up the next week! Con mucho cariño! Elder Rolando!

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