Wednesday, July 16, 2014

2nd Email Home July 5, 2014

Thank you sooooooooo much for the care package we check the mail everyday, I'm always grateful for any gift I get from family or friends it helps a ton! I would ask if you could send me more socks for gym and other activities, because we can only do laundry on Saturday and my regular socks are always getting dirty, I'm also running out of my deodorant I use the old spice Matterhorn. It's is so hard to say that my companion is no longer with me he has a strong testimony and knowledge of the gospel, but some thing was eating at him he wasn't feeling worthy to serve a mission, he prayed about it and it was clear that he was to go home. I later that night I prayed for him, and I cried unto the Lord for like 20 minutes to help him and I'm trying to adjust to not having a companion, it's weird I only knew him for only a week and yet I had great love towards him. I am looking forward to serving in the Mexico, Tuxtla Gutierraz mission. I will help as many people come unto Jesus Christ! I hope I get to see my whole family when I come home. I know that missionary work is the honest and true work of Jesus Christ. I also write in my journal every night as well, it's been very helpful to remind me of passed events and feelings. I'm sorry that I couldn't give a full report do to how much time we are given (1 hour) i'll try focusing on the details next week I love you soo very much with all my heart and I miss the family so much as well. I got to see the amazing fireworks at the stadium of fire from a distance and I could barely hear Carey Underwood it was very fun and spiritual experience that night! 

Elder Rowland & Elder Barker

Trip to The Provo Temple

I'm going here!

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