Wednesday, July 16, 2014

First Email Home June 28, 2014

Dear Family,
I love it here at the MTC! I'm learning a lot with my companion Elder. Barker, he has been helping me through all my troubles and hard times at learning the new language. I feel like the MTC is my new home. when I first got here I was nervous I didn't know what to do and I could barely eat like 3 bites at most, but i'm getting excited for my Mission in Mexico, this place is tough sometimes, but i'm learning to overcome and adapt.
 My first day they told me and my companion that we were gonna have to teach a Investigator, but then we found out that he was just an actor, so after I heard that I felt calm and ready to teach, but I was no where near prepared to teach him, and my companion had like two full pages, so I was so under prepared. The investigator also spoke in spanish so, we had to prepare in spanish and we had to teach him how to pray in spanish which was very difficult, because the words were hard to pronounce, we weren't thinking about how to we explain to him how to pray so that lesson bombed. lol 
  Im learning the language slowly, but surely and i'm taking notes. Our teacher brother. Dolbin is sooooo great and funny he is the best teacher to have when learning spanish, all the teachers speak in their language as much as they can to get the language drilled into our heads, and people that told me that the MTC was very difficult, must  have went to another MTC cause, this one is so much fun and filled with the spirit.

 My daily things I need to do every monday-friday is get up at 6:00 AM, take a shower and get breakfast, then head to personal study and companion study, then head to class and study more language, then head to lunch, then more class in studying, head to dinner then back to class again and end the day with a devotional then it starts all over again the next day.

   Today was very awesome woke up, at 5:45 AM got ready for service for cleaning the buildings, then had the wonderful opportunity to attend endowment session at the Provo temple. The Provo temple was so beautiful and had so many awesome features, but I think that the presentation could have been a little updated, but over all the experience was so powerful, and I love the feeling when people are so happy to see missionaries it's so great.

 Well, I know that this message isn't that long, but if you have anything you want to ask me just email me or mail me a letter, and only on saturdays I can check my emails so I hope you guys can wait that long. I love you guys so very much! Tell Molly I love her! lol. send hugs and cookies! lol    
My First Companion Elder Barker

Learning the language

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