Saturday, July 26, 2014

5th Email Home July 26, 2014

THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU AND DAD DO FOR ME! You are the best parents! I got the dear elder message and it was awesome and when I got the box with cookies with Molly's letter, also when I finally saw the pictures I cried, tears of joy! I'm truly blessed to have a loving family and all the support you guys give me I couldn't ask for a better family, I know that some of our family isn't active, but I will ask that the Lord will preform mighty miracles in their life's I will not give up! I care so much for my family, I will do my best to help my family and also bring others to have the greatest happiness that we have!  

        This past week has been an wonderful blessing to have the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost and my companions, as the Spirit is with me my experience at the MTC has been pure happiness and love towards others, the Holy Ghost has helped me in understanding the language and letting me know that I will learn the language. I had a resent experience as me and my companions Elder Caldwell (He's was adopted, but was born I think in the Marshal Islands), and Elder Portlock. (He's a track runner and knows everyone at the MTC pretty much, he is from Riverton, UT) The experience began when I was doing an interview with both Elder Caldwell and Elder Portlock, because I'm district leader now, but they're the zone leaders, but as we were going down the questions I was focusing on Elder Portlock, then the spirit told me "that you need to talk to Elder Caldwell" so I focused on Elder Caldwell for a second and trying to think of a way to ask my other companion to leave,but it would've been obvious that there's something wrong, so I didn't say anything until the end of the interview I said " I feel that there's something troubling you" and he said " If there was something that was on my mind I would tell you" so I just thought it was a random thought, but when my companion Elder Portlock went to the bathroom, Elder Caldwell said" Man you are really good at knowing how people are feeling", but sadly I forgot to the say that it was the spirit that told me, I was just a messenger nothing more. I cannot express my gratitude for all the things the Lord has blessed me with, the best way to repay some of things he has given me is by serving him, but even on my mission I still owe him everything. I have never felt the spirit this strong and I don't ever wanna lose this feeling, it's given me a positive attitude and has let me recall more words then I could ever do on my own, I have also experienced the feeling of inviting someone to be baptized and when he said yes then my love to get more to others to come unto Christ increased off the charts it's the best feeling above all other worldly things.

    I have a couple questions, do I have to activate my card or can you? Can I get more of those stay collar things? I forgot to take them out so I lost like half and the rest are bent.....
Please tell Brandon that I love him (not a joke) and I'll pray for him with all the Lord gives me, and also Darill if they are not back in the church, I will rain the holy ghost upon them tenfold. I hope that Wayne will find that church is not just a bunch of lessons and bread and water, it's to strengthen our relationship with our father in Heaven and feel a sense that he can change by the partaking of the sacrament, I want our family to be eternal, I can't imagine our family separated, it hurts when our family is pushing away, I want our happy family back together when I get back off my mission. PLEASE SEND me dear Elder's when ever you have anything to say it's awesome to receive anything from family and others.Lo siento I can't explain each photo my time is up. :/

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