Wednesday, July 16, 2014

3rd Email Home July 12, 2014

I'm glad you had fun with grandma, tell her that I love her! I hope that missionary momma's retreat can prepare you, while I'm away. I'm so grateful to that be an example to the family. The MTC is very hard, but I love the spirit that's here it's so great, I'm just trying to learn this language it's hard, but others seem to learn it and become fluent so why wouldn't I be able to.On July 7, 2014 I wrote what my take was on the MTC. Each day gets harder to wake up and study the language, the MTC I thought it once was easy now I see it as a trial. The MTC is a hardcore faith builder, it tests everyone's faith and some people have there faith tested so much that it's to much and they go home. I think if they would've stayed a bit longer they would feel the love of the Lord and continue their missions. As for me as I've been tested I feel like no body likes and that I know nothing, but I can say that Satan is working extra hard at bring down the Lord's warriors and we must remain strong at all times wearing the armor of God and wielding the sword of Spirit and in the other hand the shield of Faith, waiting for Satan to strike again and I'll be ready. I feel sorrow for my brother Brandon, because I want him to come unto the Lord with all my heart and I hope that he feels the love of the Lord as I'm away, and knows that I truly love him and want to develop a love for those I come in contact with and the will know my love for them that this church is true! 
I hope that all I have written is enough if you need more I can be sure to share 2 pages a P-day or whats on my mind, I love you so much and I hope that you guys can live without me for 2 years! Oh! The zipper on my book bag flew off, I tried fixing it, but no luck and there's an Elder named Elder. Smart and I guess he's related to Brother Peterson. Anyway talk to you later. 

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