I am doing my best at changing not only, because I want to, but because I want to help others, its a very powerful desire right now, but right now its difficult to share a message when I dont know the words or the Doctrine and yeah the spirit can help me speak and remember things, but I feel that if I havent seen the words or scripture I cant deliver, but this shows that I need to I need to have the spirit with me at all times and study and ponder and pray on what I have read for the spirit to help me to help others that arent able. I love when we have investigators that they say," I want to know what is the true church" and then we have smiles and say," You can know through sincere prayer and knowing that you can recieve an answer then God will made it manifested through the Holy Ghost." then we are fulled with the spirit in these moments, because their are people that want to know and are willing to work. I am not saying that the people that dont accept our message is a fool or what not, but they are not ready and also we invited them, so we are doing our part. The power of Satan reigns all over the world confusing man and even when we point out a scripture that proves that this is the church of Jesus Christ all they say is,"I am confused" and then they are angry and we walk away accomplishing nothing, because they are even more confused, their whole life they were in some building that they thought was right, because they felt some what of a peace in this place, every Jahova witness are strong for no reason, all we talk about is Heavenly Father and the witness says," No, its Jahova!" and just with one scripture we use destroys that believe, we dont use these scriptures to hurt or anger people, but they dont know and wont accept anything that we offer them, so we testify of the truth, oh and in the bible it talks about Jesus and his Apostiles all died and say," Where is the church of Jesus Christ in this time?" and people always so I dont know and for me this is the biggest piece how can Jesus lead his church when he and his apostiles are in Heaven. I grateful to be born into the correct church and to have parents to force me to go, because with out this I would not be on a mission, I would be sitting around playing video games and wasting air lol. I will accept that Challenge and more, because as I strive to be better those around me will be blessed and more will come unto Christ. I love my family more than ever, not only because I am far away and I cant see you guys, but the mission has opened my mind to a knowledge that is unending and Glorious and fully of happiness and peace! Love you all, so very much I could not ask for a better family honestly ; P Its not much, but I got new pictures!
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