Monday, December 29, 2014

27th Email Home December 22, 2014

 Im finding my time on the mission, like a very hard learning experience, I do some thing wrong and then I see oh what was I thinking and at the first of my mission I never understood the obedience part my first companion was very obedient and he would always say we need to be more obedient and in prayers he would always say forgive us for our disobedience and I was thinking in my head its not that important, its important, but I thought in my head no its all good. Now when I am not obedient I feel terrible and we dont have sucess and for me now I see the blessings of beening obedient and I strive to be more obedient every day, because when I am obedient missionary I am a more affective tool for the Lord. I love working with my new companion he says that he doesnt know any English, but during the day he is like come on man! or shut the door. and he speaks more, but I dont know if he likes speaking in english or what, but I will be here to help him when he wants to learn more. My spanish is progressing very slowly, but im grateful for just progressing and I cant wait to speak spanish! I have been watching the movie Ephriams rescue, over and over, with this story and how a simple man who was disobedient, didnt have respect for others, but his story of him changing into a person that the Lord could use his to perform miracles and this movie is an example on how people can be a powerful servant in the hands of Lord all they need to do is try. I know what I am doing here is the true work of the God even though its hard I feel the presence of the Lord and its honestly fun to do this work! I hope you all have a super fantastic Christmas! without me, because you all know I bring the party! LOL! Thank you so much for the photos they were soo good and I love all of you soo much!!! only 1 photo! sorry I will take more I make an oath! and also if my camera works I want to get another one the people gave me a new camera, but the memory has a problem and now the front screen is cracked! but its all good. oh! we are skyping this friday at 1 and so we will see how it goes!only have 40 mins I think and I need to create a new skype  
oh the food was just an experiment some nacho cheese with rotisserie chicken with salsa and tostitos

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