Monday, December 15, 2014

26th Email Home December 15, 2014

How is everything going? Is Dad still sick? because, you said that he was watching a Chick Flick and normally hes watching explosions and wars and other manly things! Well, what happens when you watch too many chick flicks and then become soft and then when a spider is in the house he freaks out and tells you to kill it?

(I told Chad his former companion had emailed me and told me how humble he is and that he is the best in the field) Because hes my papa here in the mission field and so he defends me and so does everyone else everyone says you are the best! and I say no I am not. ( Chad says his mission home is...) like 2 hours away. ( I asked Chad if they were all alone and how do they get to the mission home?) Well we are kind of alone, we have the sister missionaries here with us and we travel by bus. I email in a public cyber and pay like 7 or 8 pesos for an hour this cyber is just full of computers pretty nice computers, but the screen is small theres like 13 computers here, and there are other cybers that have computers and videogame consoles like Xbox and yeah its hard not to watch them lol.

This week I started with my new companion Elder Suaste, he just came from the Mexico MTC and he is a fanstastic worker! He is practically prepared for the field, only the schedule is the only thing he needs to learn and then hes ready. My time here this past week has been a failure, all of the week long we tried to talk with people and meet with people, but no one was in their houses and people say I dont live here and others just say no thanks, but its all good I am learning how to be a better leader and a better trainer and people always compare me with others saying wow your really bad at speaking theres other missionaries that are new and are speaking better than you. When I hear this I feel bad, but I also think yeah I could be doing better, but also maybe this is how fast the Lord wants me to learn the language I always say to people my memory isnt that good so I am not like the others, but I try to learn, people say talk more I say what should I talk about and they say I dont know, for me I am different I dont know how to have a chill conversation, its easy for people to say just talk more, when they never had a problem with not talking, like everyone I talk with is always talking, but I will ask for the Lords help in this problem and I know he can help me with any problem. I feel drained and sore and everyday gets harder to wake up and so its a headache, but I will continue to teach and to help my companion and serve the Lord, as long as Im serving Im helping the process move a little faster. My position as a district leader and trainer is difficult and hard to hear what my district is saying to me, but so far the Lord has helped me to understand what my district needs and Im grateful for him and Im also grateful for my family and all they do for me whether its a prayer or just a simple letter, I feel 10 times happier and you are all very special to me. I love you Mom and Dad and Brandon and Molly and Jared and Garrett and Mandy and Crystal and Tamera and Wayne! and all you other people! well again my camera wont work so I guess next week or something. I will do my best to talk more, just when I try my mind doesnt work good. I will try to learn this language to the best of my ability! Gtg mum again... love you!

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