Monday, March 30, 2015

41st Email Home March 30, 2015

I cant wait for conference! Thats soo cool that you could go to the womens conference with Crystal; before for me obviously I didnt put to much interest into General conference, I always felt tired and I felt good, but I always had the temptation to go eat or to sleep... and now I love conference! Its the opportunity to invite all our investigators and to experience and to feel the spirit that the General Authorities have and how they speak with such power and they are so direct ( something that I am still in the process of) and I just get pumped for the day! Invite everyone to watch! PLEASE!

  There are investigators that are very good with completing the things we leave with them, but as we work as hard as we can to get them to go to the church they cant come, we go to their house and say wake up, because the church starts at 8 a clock in the morning and some are like thats too early and others are like thats fine, but we have had 2 investigators very good Cindy and Josè Maria and they are the ones progressing and Cindy has a look of I dont want anything, but she answers questions and this was her 3 time in the church and I hope she is loving everything, we ask her,"Are there any questions or problems?" and she always says,"Everything is clear" and her family is very good too, the brother has a lot of work and school, so he cant go to church, but is constantly reading the Book of Mormon when he has the chance, I am getting excited, because I love baptisms, even though Cindy doesnt have one yet... we are pressing forward! Also, Josè Maria is from a different church, but is reading the Book of Mormon and praying, he also saw that for the Sabbath day he doesnt buy anything, because in the Bible it says that we dont work or sell things on this day, but no one keeps this day even though it says in the Bible, along with all the other commandments that everyone over looks as well, but I wont talk about it. Josè at first didnt want to go to church, but we invited him for 3 weeks and finally he accepted and it sounded like he liked it so we will see this week! 

   If someone wants to write me its okay, but just know that I probably wont have the time to answer back so,yeah.  Well this is all for this week... LOVE YOU ALLLLLLLL!

 Eatin fud! 

Finally my shoe laces broke


Monday, March 23, 2015

40th Email Home March 23, 2015

  I am sooooo happy that the family is changing! Its so awesome to hear Brandon went to the sacrament meeting, that is so good that he came, also that Mandy is changing her life its truly a blessing to have a family like you all! Its better now that I can more fully understand the feelings of the Spirit, this will help me to decide should I give a blessing or not or if we should go and visit this person, if their is a small voice saying,"Hey, go talk with him" then we need to act not to question, "why, should I talk to that person?" just do it. 

   These days have been super fast and I cant remember what we did, only the same ole same ole, their are only two experiences that are super funny, the first one was when we were teaching a random old man in the street about how God loves you and that our families can be blessed through the Gospel of Jesus Christ and then this other man pops out of no where and I guess he was of a different religion some thing like, " The Light of the World" I never heard of it, but I guess they have one Apostle of Jesus Christ and we were like didnt Jesus Christ have 12 Apostles? and he was like," Yeah, but the 12 tribes that were lost were the Apostles" and, then my companion was like," Okay, man we dont want to have a battle here, we just wanted to share a message with this brother about how God loves us." But he didnt listen and so we just stood up and said," Okay good-bye" and he was so angry, because my companion wanted to shake his hand, but didnt want any thing, then we apologized to the brother that we were talking to and the brother called that man crazy( with the circling around the ear action) and that just made my day lol. Then the next one was a son of a member that wasnt a member and we were sharing a message about the plan of salvation  and then this guy pops up with is phone and says," Hey! look up Galations 1:6 and all it talked about was we need to receive an answer from God which supported our religion, but his goal was to destroy the Book of Mormon, but the Sister that was receiving this message was like," What does this have to do with what the missionaries are teaching and I was laughing inside and then the daughter of him said," That we just need to ask God to get an answer" and so once again we stood up and said," thanks for your time. Lol people are Funny. 

  Well this is what happened this week kind of and yeah I did receive the shirt and my comp. is jelly, because its of the California Beach and he misses it a lot, so I try not showing it to him too much... No pictures again, but I will try to remember!! And also I want my Patriarchal Blessing!! Please. Love you ALL!

Monday, March 16, 2015

39th Email Home March 16, 2015

(I asked Chad if he had any spiritual experiences he'd like to share)

I have had experiences in my mission that help my investigators progress or members, like the most recent one we were fasting and my companion was saying in the prayer to help all the investigators to progress pretty much and then focused on a less active family to help them to change and how can we help them, then later that day we found 300 pesos just laying on the ground and we were like, "WHAT! what should we do with it?" and I said," We should wait, but I am sure the person that dropped it wont know where they accidently dropped it." So we went to this house and said, " Did you see someone drop some thing? and he responded," No, why?" and so we explained that someone dropped 300 pesos  and he was like," WOW!" pretty much and he was happy to take it and say that he would give it to the person who dropped it, because they had a shop so maybe they would pass by it, but I was think its almost impossible, but we gave it to him anyway and now every time we pass by his house he waves at us lol! The reason why I say this story is that right after we gave the money to this man we go and visit this family and only the father and the kids are there and he was saying something like his wife need something to help her back, because she has a big problem with her back and they said that it costs about 200 to 300 pesos and my companion was like," WHAT!" and was saying,"How do we know when we are being blessed to help others?!?! All I said was," Do you wanna fast again?" Lol. It was an awesome experience, but bad.

  I have recieved my package like 7 weeks ago sorry I didnt say anything, but the Reese and the candies were so good! THANKS GRANDMA AND GRANDPA! Yeah I want to still get on at 11, but just today we left the house at 7 and didnt return until 11 we were playing football, soccer(so I can be a true Mexican! or Chapineco!), Basketball it was so fun!!! Just right now my legs are hurting soo much!!! I havent worked out like that in a long time.  Thanks fam. for all you do to help me to help others your all my favorites!!! Sorry no photos!! Love you!

38th Email Home March 9, 2015

  What! Summer is 10!??!?!? How long have I been gone? I feel like once I come back home the whole family is going to be different and I am going to be like,"WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE!" Lol. Happy BirthDAY! Crystal and SUMMER!( Kind of late, but its the thought that counts)
  I love it here in my area Las palmas! The people are either very harsh or are like,"baptize me!" and I okay with that the time here I have learned more spanish with my English speaking companion than any other companion, I love all my past companions, but I feel like I am progressing more with this companion and I am so excited that we made it through to serve another 1 month and a half with him again the members are coolest people ever, they help us soo much, I mean there was an experience when we just stopped by to tell a member something and the member invited us in (or more like we didnt have an option Lol) and he gave us toast with jam and we ate all the bread that was on the table, it was great! The love for the missionaries here is beyond all love, just last night we had a family home evening and the sister that started was reading about an experience, that involved the missionaries greatly, this sister in the story had a problem with her husband and they were about to get a devorce, but then the missionaries heard, by talking to husband and he wanted to stay married, so the missionaries were sent to the wife and she was in tears. The sister that was reading this story had the same problem and the missionaries had helped them and so her love for the missionaries is so strong she bore testimony that we were sent from God, she calls us," My Angels" I am honored to serve here in this mission with such great people with such great desires to follow Christ and for their love I will always be here to help them feel close to God. 
  I know that this work is true, before I didnt know too much about the Gospel, but thanks to this opprotunity I can grow closer to God and help others to seek the light, I am grateful to be,"Called to Serve" here in Chiapas, Mexico, I honestly feel like I have the best mission in the entire world! I love you all Fam! 


  I am out of shoe polish, but hey! My shoes are clean! 

 My silly Companion, Elder Armstrong!

37th Email Home March 2, 2015

Woot! Elder Dallin H. Oaks is soo chill! All the missionaries were sitting and then he walked in and eveyone stands and then he just looks at us and says, " Gracias!" with a smile, then we all got to have a group picture with him out of all the missionaries in the mission (like 180 or something) and I was in the back! His talk wasnt a firm talk he didnt plan it he told us, but that he was just going by the spirit, which was very brave and funny. I love the way he goes into the talks with just the spirit and was guided to talk about the things that probably someone needed to hear like, we should hold family councils, men should use their priesthood to always be ready to bless your wife or children, he explains that he didnt use his priesthood as often as he should and there was this one time when him and his wife were having a hard time having another child for many years there was nothing and I believe that he offered a blessing and then after that he was blessed with a child and all his time with this child he blessed her more than any other child hes had, then he challenged all the men that arent using their priesthood authority to offer more blessings and be the leader in a way he was explaining, it was pretty impressive how he gave a 40 min talk with nothing, but the spirit. The power of the Holy Ghost can help anyone we just got to trust in the Lord and say our prayers to understand the scriptures and words of the prophets. 

  Its so awesome to have a family as great as you all, my time with you all was great, true I could have been a little more apart of the family, but hey I had games to play it was very important to beat different levels, its so great to hear the family visits keep it up! I hope you all can have family home evening together like the whole family, that would be soo cool! Also for those that dont read the Book of Mormon should start now, because it is a book fill with guidance, happiness, and how we can be happy with our families for the eternities, many people people dont believe in this book, because they simple havent read it and prayed to ask God if it is true and honestly thats why there is so much confusion, but thank you all for keeping strong and holding on to he iron rod! Thank you all! Well, I dont have a picture just of me and I cant take a picture right now, but I will take one for next week! All the pictures are of animals in the Zoo. 

my pops( in the mission dad)

 my district Sister Hernandez is the one in the Red and then Sister Allen and my awesome companion and then another Elder trying to bomb my Photo! LoL