Monday, March 23, 2015

40th Email Home March 23, 2015

  I am sooooo happy that the family is changing! Its so awesome to hear Brandon went to the sacrament meeting, that is so good that he came, also that Mandy is changing her life its truly a blessing to have a family like you all! Its better now that I can more fully understand the feelings of the Spirit, this will help me to decide should I give a blessing or not or if we should go and visit this person, if their is a small voice saying,"Hey, go talk with him" then we need to act not to question, "why, should I talk to that person?" just do it. 

   These days have been super fast and I cant remember what we did, only the same ole same ole, their are only two experiences that are super funny, the first one was when we were teaching a random old man in the street about how God loves you and that our families can be blessed through the Gospel of Jesus Christ and then this other man pops out of no where and I guess he was of a different religion some thing like, " The Light of the World" I never heard of it, but I guess they have one Apostle of Jesus Christ and we were like didnt Jesus Christ have 12 Apostles? and he was like," Yeah, but the 12 tribes that were lost were the Apostles" and, then my companion was like," Okay, man we dont want to have a battle here, we just wanted to share a message with this brother about how God loves us." But he didnt listen and so we just stood up and said," Okay good-bye" and he was so angry, because my companion wanted to shake his hand, but didnt want any thing, then we apologized to the brother that we were talking to and the brother called that man crazy( with the circling around the ear action) and that just made my day lol. Then the next one was a son of a member that wasnt a member and we were sharing a message about the plan of salvation  and then this guy pops up with is phone and says," Hey! look up Galations 1:6 and all it talked about was we need to receive an answer from God which supported our religion, but his goal was to destroy the Book of Mormon, but the Sister that was receiving this message was like," What does this have to do with what the missionaries are teaching and I was laughing inside and then the daughter of him said," That we just need to ask God to get an answer" and so once again we stood up and said," thanks for your time. Lol people are Funny. 

  Well this is what happened this week kind of and yeah I did receive the shirt and my comp. is jelly, because its of the California Beach and he misses it a lot, so I try not showing it to him too much... No pictures again, but I will try to remember!! And also I want my Patriarchal Blessing!! Please. Love you ALL!

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