Wednesday, October 21, 2015

70th Email Home October 19,2015

 HI family and friends! This week in the mission field has been interesting finding new less actives and getting a few to come to church was an awesome experience, because there are a lot of people that are far from the church, but all they need is a little budge! The families here are so nice, it's just a little hard out here, because a lot are saying," we don't have time", because their work hogs up all of it, no one gets paid good unless you work with the government or open your our business and the cool thing is that the church has opened the program on how to be more self reliant and they have 3 different areas to work in one is to help you study more efficiently and leave college with a plan in mind and the other is how to manage your business and the last is to help you start your our business and work without falling! I was very interesting when we had ward council and there was this one brother that explained all of this clearly and said,"You don't even need money to start and the goal is to be able to have more time to help your family and pay for your bills and for fast offerings and tithing!

   Sister Alondra, that we are helping to get baptized is getting closer and closer to her baptismal date and she likes going to the church a lot, just that her boy friend has been sick for a while and she has been taking care of him and it has been hard these past few weeks for them, but everything is going good! They are still happy and thats what matters more! We have been seeing other investigators and they are all good, but they aren't attending church, so our goal is to fast for them to help them continue! I know that fasting will change a lot with our investigators and also help us baptize more people, so we are going to see what happens this week!!! 

  I really liked the missionary momma's workshop, well the advice! I feel like a lot of missionaries compare and others think that they are better than others, but really if we could just forget of ourselves and give all of our energies to the who are looking for the church, everyone would have more sucess and their mission wouldn't be a burden for them. Always my goal is to be the best that I can to give everyone the chance to accept the Gospel and to enter into sacred covenants with the Lord and through this the mission is a delight for me to see people getting baptized! 

Finally little Cesars!! some thing is wrong with my memory I think I have to buy another one, because it's not letting me see my photos!


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