Monday, April 4, 2016

94th Email Home April 4, 2016

 Hello! For this past we had only 1 baptism! The family that we wanted to baptize were already members, we were looking for their names in the computer and we finally found them and so the baptism was called off for them. We had to change their names in the computer, because a lot of their names were spelt wrong, so by the permission if the President of the mission, he said that we can count these changes as baptisms, so we had about 7 baptisms, also we are going to have more baptisms on the 25 or 26th of April. Their names are Faridy, Alejandra and Jackilyn! It's awesome! The people are flocking to us! 

  That is soo nice of John and Rosita, I will try to find some thing! The conference was very interesting, first because it is my last conference in the mission and I don't know about you all, but the choir sounded even better this conference. I loved the talk about the "Pride and being humble" by the new apostle, I can't remember his name. It was in the first session almost at the middle of the 1st session, it was pretty powerful. I was also waiting for the talk of Elder Holland, but he didn't show up, but then at the end they called him! I was soo excited to hear what he had to say! He is soo funny. 

  I haven't heard of anything about the six week plan, I don't know if we have this down here yet, but we will see when I have 6 weeks left. Thanks for putting a lot of concern for our investigators, I am sure that is why we are baptizing so much in this transfer. It means a lot to me, that you are praying and fasting for these investigators, they really need it. We are going to work harder to assure that they get baptized! 
This is the Dad of the family Balbuena, diggin a well. 

 Spaghetti with tomato sauce using tuna instead of ground beef... We're poor.


The brother of the sister that is got baptized! I don't have the picture of the baptism! WE forgot to take one!

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