Monday, April 25, 2016

97th Email Home April 25, 2016

Hey, Family and Friends! I am sorry to say that we haven't had the chance to teach a whole lot this past week, my companion feels pain in his hip still and the mission president said that he needs to stay in the house for the week and I need to go with one of the young men to go teach and find new people, then after this week, me and my companion can leave and work together again, but we can't walk too much, because his hip gets swollen, when we walk about 17 miles a day and we need to take care of his hip. The members are very happy to have missionaries here, because we are having activities and are trying our best to help them in all that we are able to help. 
  We had a crazy experience on Saturday, the sister missionaries have a little boy that just turned 8 and so the sisters talked with the mother and the little boy and the mom wanted her son to be baptized and so the sister missionaries told us to pass by the house of this little boy, so we came by to see who was going to baptize him and this little boy came in and we asked him," Who do you want to baptize you?" and he said," I want the gringo!" I was thinking," I knew it!" Lol! I was okay with his decision. We waited until that day came for the baptism and the baptism was planned to happen about 4:30 p.m. and we showed up a half an hour early and when we entered no one was there and we called the sisters and we said," Where are you? There's no one here and the baptismal font is empty." and the sisters were shocked, because they told a brother to fill it up, but we didn't see the brother until he walked in behind us and he told us that he was trying to fill the baptismal font, but the water was draining out, so we went outside and we sealed the drain and filled the font, but it was late and people started coming about 4:50 to 5:10 and the water was pretty low, but we went on with the baptism and this little boy told us," I am a little nervous." I was thought he was nervous, because of the people that were there, so I got in the water first and then he got down and he was shivering and I thought it was, because of the cold water, but it wasn't that bad, so I asked for his full name and he didn't respond and so I had his name memorized and I repeated it to the 2 witnesses and they said,"Yeah, that is it." so I went on with the ordinance and after the prayer, he plugged his nose and I laid him back and then he took his hand off of his nose and started breathing in water and so I picked him up and set him on the stairs, then the mom,uncle, branch president, my companion and his grandma came over to give him strength to get baptized, but the mom didn't tell us that he was scared of the water, so he didn't get baptized, they are going to wait a few more years... 

  I didn't know that every 4th Sunday, the family has family home evening! Luckies! That is cool that some of the family could make it! It must have been a great experience to learn more about the Sabbath day. How was the family? Were they happy to be there? Did they enjoy the pizza and cookies?

 Wow! June is going to be a very busy month for me, I have a lot of appointments. I can't wait to go to the temple! My speaking skills aren't the best, but I will give what I got. I was going to talk this past Sunday, but the Stake president came over and robbed my time to speak! I don't have a lot of experience speaking in the church, I have only talked about 7 times in the sacrament meeting and most of the time I just read... Lol!  I am trying to learn to just talk more without using a paper, but I couldn't do it, because of the Stake President. It's okay. 

  Molly is escaping again? What are you going to do to keep her in? Finally, Dad will have a trailer! His dreams are being completed! Lol! Dad you are soo funny! But a very awesome Pops! I gtg, but I will be back! (Next week!)
Me drinking Strawberry lemonade in Chili's!

 I ate a Southwest Ribeye with a double side of fries!

My companion ate the Famous ribs and he fell in love with the corn!

 Our view at the front of the house

  Our family room with the kitchen.

My companion put hydrogen peroxide in my ear to clean it up.

  CARPET! is the best! We were in the church and some have carpet and others don't.

 I found another puppy that looks like Molly bears! Her name is Fifi

 Fifi is crazy!

My companion cooking jamaica with cinnamon. (It's a drink out here if you haven't heard of it, its pretty good.)

 Outside of the church.

More of the property of the church.

Our activity with the sandwiches.

My companion is using the costume for the activity. 

Me with my companion and the SANDWICH! 

Group picture of the branch activity! 

Missionary picture! With sister Molina in the middle and Sister Cotacachi at the end.

  We took a picture with the branch president at is house, for family home evening. He has 15 years since he dropped drinking alcohol! 

Group picture of his grand kids.

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