Monday, August 31, 2015

63rd Email Home August 31, 2015

Monday, August 24, 2015

62nd Email Home August 24, 2015

Hola, Family! Hows everything going???!!? This week has been good with my new companion, it turns out that he is from my generation and I have never seen him before, but it is so cool to see another missionary with the same time! I heard that he lives by the volcano, named,"Popo" and all of his family are members and active! 

 We have 3 investigators that are in a line to be baptized! Brother Hector, is a father and his wife and 2 daughters are members and his son, doesn't really want to hear right now, but we invited him to be baptized on the 5 of September, but he fell again, he didn't show up to church, but we are not giving up on him!! Sister Cicilia is a new investigator and she is soo excited to hear more and to learn more! The problem right now is that her mom might lose her house, because they dont have enough money and they might be living in the streets soon, but I know if they lose their house, they are going to be fine if they keep the commandments and strive to work hard the Lord will bless them! Brother Fernando, has accepted another date to be baptized and all we need to do is keep on track with him to get him baptized! He knows everything pretty much, he just feels rushed maybe... But we will help him in this process! 

 On Sunday, I was the first to pass up to give a talk and to my surprise I lasted more than 12 minutes and I still had more to share! The counselor past me a note saying that I needed to end. I was like," WHAT!" then the sister missionary gave her talk and the same thing happened to her and we also sang a special hymn and then our ward mission leader ended with the same sign saying," Tiempo, Gracias!!!" and so I felt so happy that I could give a talk that lasted longer than normal!! 

 That was what happened this week. Whats the family up too? LOVE YOU ALL SOOO VERY MUCHO!!!   

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

61st Email Home August 18, 2015

 Hey Family and Amigos! I just wanted to mention that my companion Elder Montes just ended his mission, it was a little weird seeing him leave, before I was calm and once he said," Bye!" and went on the bus to Tuxtla, I felt like some thing was missing from me for a second, then waiting 5 or 6 hours later my new companion showed up! Elder Avila, he has about 14 months in the mission and he is from Puebla! I couldn't take a picture yet, because I still don't have a camera, but I will try to figure out a way! 

  The area is still doing good, after 2 weeks Brother Paoki called us saying that he wasn't feeling good, thats why he couldn't go to church, but we will be waiting for him in the church with smiles! Brother Fernando might be leaving to the United States to work soon and we need to help him get baptized quick and send the missionaries where he will be working over there to teach him more! The other brothers and sisters are progressing slowly, but we will check on what we can do to help them progress a little faster! 

 Oh, since Elder Montes left, the responsibility of giving a talk has been past down to me and it will be on " Mission work" I used to get very nervous, with these things, but now its like "A walk in the park", maybe the Lord has given me the strength to press forward( even though I dont give a long talk) and to speak more with the people here and that is my goal to talk with more people, I will explain how it goes! 

 Wow! The house is almost empty? It sounds like you and Dad will be living in peace for a while, until I come. At least you'll have Molly to accompany you both! I hope everything works out with your part time job! Good Luck! Mum! 

As for my shoes I didn't really look for someone to repair my shoes, but I know where I can find one if my shoes break! I will check more about the camera and how much it is and send you what I need to get it. It's okay if I don't have all the money in the world. I have a family that loves me and I am still living and happy, so thats all that matters! Oh! There is an Elder that is rich and his parents know one of the co-owners of Café Rio and they always receive free food and he said that I can have as many as I want, because they have soo much, LOL! 

 I feel loved by so many and thats a lot of love coming from the USA! Yes, the Bishop wrote a message, but I dont have much time to respond, I am really slow at typing... LOL! Other people write me, like a youth man from my first area, and Heather, my first district in the MTC still write each other, so its okay! 

 Thank you Family for all you do everyday, to keep me going! You're all awesome in what you're all doing, I hope to hear more from the family soon, in your latest experiences! I love you all! 

Monday, August 17, 2015

60th Email Home August 10, 2015

 Hola, FAMILIA! This week has been a blast! We first started off our
preparation day a little short, because the next day was the activity
of all the missionaries in Tapachula! We went to the ocean and had so
much fun, but we couldn't go swimming, we could only have the water to
our knees... But it was fun, we made a sand castle! Lost some things
in the ocean and we played volleyball a little bit of soccer and a lot
of people got burnt from the sun, but everyone is okay.

  We have so many people that want to hear about the Gospel, but so
many of them are from the other border, there are a lot that are
coming from El Salvador and Honduras, because its really dangerous
over there, but these people are so full of happiness! They were so
happy to find the church and to be there and have promised to come
back, their is one of them that was baptized in El Salvador and has
been member for 5 years and ever since we have known him, we have
given him clothes ( that other members give us to give him),
mattresses, because he left his family in El Salvador, trying to find a
stable place to support his family and right now him and his family
have a small room with clothes and a bed with food, because he just
found some work and he starts today! I am sure he is so grateful for
the Lord has done for him and how we happen to have a few spare
mattresses to give him with some food its incredible!

  This past week is has been tough even though we had an activity and
a lot of people went to church this week, my legs touched the sun of
the ocean and pretty much from Thursday to Saturday I was in the house
recovering from my sunburn, it was the same kinds of sun burns that I
have received in the past, we just need to be safe and my time in the
house was so boring, sitting around doing nothing and so I have
learned to put sunscreen on every part of my body and not on the spots
that I think I will be good.    

 Beginning the Sand castle!

Zone PiC!

Mission President George and his wife in the back

 Elder Suaste!

More construction of the Castle!

I wanted too help

Completed (I took the picture too late, there were gates and cool stuff, but I didnt take the pic)!

59th Email Home August 3, 2015

So nice!


 I was feeling a bit noodly

( No I didnt make it I bought it)
¡Buenos Días Familia! Well, first off I am happy to say that we have a lot of people to teach, but the sad part is that our baptism for the past Saturday was cancelled, because our investigator lost his PHONE! So, we didnt know what to do! We are just going to wait until we can see brother Paoki and Fernando again and get them pumped for this week so we can finally have a Fiesta! On Saturday we also had an activity with the youth, that they could experience one day in the mission! We went and taught a few people in that day, because our day was pretty much planned to go to the Chapel and leave for an hour and return again for food and leave again, so it wasn't the full experience, but hey! At least they tried, the boy that we got was good for a while, I think we walked about 4 or 5 miles and he was officially tired!( We did our part!) Then we ended with our testimonies, it was an awesome experience! 

  We have been trying soo hard to find new people to teach and we find them, just not the ones that progress, we teach every person that we find, but every person has their own church and so we don't attack them, for what they believe in, all we do is, we teach more about the need of the Holy Priesthood, its really important to help the people here know that their was a power that all the Prophets had in the old testiment and also in the new, so they can see that they need is authourity to do something like baptism. 

 This past fast and testimony meeting, we had the chance to bare our testimonies, although I have a little bit of time in the mission I have been get a little nervous to give talks and give my testimony, but these past few weeks that I have given my testimony, I have been feeling more confident and not so nervous! YAYA! I kicking out the old Chad and moving in the new!  

  I haven't heard of a program about when the missionaries return home they recieve guidance. My companion is about to go home and nothing has happened to him yet... I dont think it reaches down here. Now I know why you guys picked that house its, because there are jets like right next you Dad! When I heard that I was like it was Dads idea to move there! LOL

My 50 pesos hamburger!

 Elder Montes(smiling) Elder Gomez the companion of the one who is sleeping Elder Suaste(My son) LOl

58 th Email Home July 27, 2015

 Hola, Familia! This week was a bit harsh, but sweet(Literally). On Monday, we went to the house of the Bishop to have a family home evening, but it didnt really turn out as family home evening only a family dinner, we started to make brownies and we put it into the oven and then the family invited us to eat with them and we were like,"Okay!" and so we ate some tacos that were soooo good! and then once we have ended eating the tacos the brownies were finished and so we started to eat the brownies and the wife of the Bishop said," This is all for us." and she put Oreo ice cream on top and we had to eat pretty much the whole batch of brownies and the following day, I felt the pain in my stomach, so I couldn't exercise in the morning and my companion entered the room saying," Hey, it time to get up." and I said," I don't feel good." and so I slept for about 2 hours more and woke up and my head was hurting and my stomach was still in pain, like I was going to throw up..., but nothing happened, I managed to gather enough strength to walk to a pharmacy, bought what I needed and we went back home to rest some more and so Tuesday was almost ended and we managed to get a little bit of work in! Then the following day my spine was hurting me so I didnt take my bag with me and to this day, I am healthy and STRONG once again! 

  We went to the house of Fernando and we had other Elders come in to interview Fernando for his baptism and after about 40 or 50 mins Elder Suaste ( My son in the mission) came back and didnt say much and we went out of the room that we were waiting in and talked with him and he was still not ready to accept baptism, its sad, because he knows a lot of the doctrine, he just doesn't feel the need to get baptized right now, but we're are not giving up on him! On the other hand, Brother Paoki, has is baptism for this Saturday and he so happy to get baptized! We couldn't talk to him, because his work has demanded more of his time, but we have set a date to have him interviewed and baptized and we are soooo happy for him in his decision! 

  The mission has changed my life forever and I am so happy that I am here, to help the people that are looking to find the path. My studies are being more and more devoted on the ones that we find in the streets and we try to apply this message to their lifes, the few that choose to listen are blessed and in the path of their Savior, Jesus Christ! What a honor it is to be a represenative of Jesus Christ and dedicate my time on people that haven't heard of the church! I Love the Gospel and our Redeemer! I Love you all! Sooo very much! 

Root beer exists! 

Root beer in Espanish! 

 Bushes Baked Beans! 

Metapa our other area!

 I didn't want to climb the stairs! 

My companion was having a staring contest! The Bird won!

We had our cards to write notes, but I found a better one. 



 The First bite Mmmm 

 Man won!