Monday, August 17, 2015

59th Email Home August 3, 2015

So nice!


 I was feeling a bit noodly

( No I didnt make it I bought it)
¡Buenos Días Familia! Well, first off I am happy to say that we have a lot of people to teach, but the sad part is that our baptism for the past Saturday was cancelled, because our investigator lost his PHONE! So, we didnt know what to do! We are just going to wait until we can see brother Paoki and Fernando again and get them pumped for this week so we can finally have a Fiesta! On Saturday we also had an activity with the youth, that they could experience one day in the mission! We went and taught a few people in that day, because our day was pretty much planned to go to the Chapel and leave for an hour and return again for food and leave again, so it wasn't the full experience, but hey! At least they tried, the boy that we got was good for a while, I think we walked about 4 or 5 miles and he was officially tired!( We did our part!) Then we ended with our testimonies, it was an awesome experience! 

  We have been trying soo hard to find new people to teach and we find them, just not the ones that progress, we teach every person that we find, but every person has their own church and so we don't attack them, for what they believe in, all we do is, we teach more about the need of the Holy Priesthood, its really important to help the people here know that their was a power that all the Prophets had in the old testiment and also in the new, so they can see that they need is authourity to do something like baptism. 

 This past fast and testimony meeting, we had the chance to bare our testimonies, although I have a little bit of time in the mission I have been get a little nervous to give talks and give my testimony, but these past few weeks that I have given my testimony, I have been feeling more confident and not so nervous! YAYA! I kicking out the old Chad and moving in the new!  

  I haven't heard of a program about when the missionaries return home they recieve guidance. My companion is about to go home and nothing has happened to him yet... I dont think it reaches down here. Now I know why you guys picked that house its, because there are jets like right next you Dad! When I heard that I was like it was Dads idea to move there! LOL

My 50 pesos hamburger!

 Elder Montes(smiling) Elder Gomez the companion of the one who is sleeping Elder Suaste(My son) LOl

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