Monday, December 29, 2014

28th Email Home December 29, 2014

This past week was a great week! I didnt have the lessons that I wanted, but we completed a few goals that I have been wanting to complete and as a leader its difficult to be an example, but honestly I am learning to change this pattern that I have made, I am learning how to work harder and to actually listen, for me I didnt know that I had a problem with listening, but as I was listening to investigators I couldnt understand anything now with my companion that speaks spanish and I am listening more, because I am the leader and the person with a little more experience so I start lessons and talk with all investigators, yeah at times its hard, but in this time Im forgetting about myself once I learn this I will be a powerful leader and teacher and I want this, I want to come back home with service, love, and with a stronger connection with God my master. I love this work and I am loving the people at times I dont understand what they are saying, but they are friendly people. Last night we had a little activity with the ward and we sang hymns in the middle of the central park and all people were gathering around to see  and it was the perfect time to contact all of them lol, we had pretty good success with this people were willing to listen and now we have more people to teach! WOOT! The success is great when we are seeking to work hard and are obedient and me and my companion will be more obedient for more success and more baptisms! I know what I am doing is honestly the TRUE WORK of God and all that give service for God will receive blessings, this is a promise. I love you all family you!!!!!!!!!!!!! and Molly bears! 
 Mi Compañero
 Mi Compañero
Me and my comp. with some lemons Literally!
Singing in the park

Me and my companion and Ward mission leader.

27th Email Home December 22, 2014

 Im finding my time on the mission, like a very hard learning experience, I do some thing wrong and then I see oh what was I thinking and at the first of my mission I never understood the obedience part my first companion was very obedient and he would always say we need to be more obedient and in prayers he would always say forgive us for our disobedience and I was thinking in my head its not that important, its important, but I thought in my head no its all good. Now when I am not obedient I feel terrible and we dont have sucess and for me now I see the blessings of beening obedient and I strive to be more obedient every day, because when I am obedient missionary I am a more affective tool for the Lord. I love working with my new companion he says that he doesnt know any English, but during the day he is like come on man! or shut the door. and he speaks more, but I dont know if he likes speaking in english or what, but I will be here to help him when he wants to learn more. My spanish is progressing very slowly, but im grateful for just progressing and I cant wait to speak spanish! I have been watching the movie Ephriams rescue, over and over, with this story and how a simple man who was disobedient, didnt have respect for others, but his story of him changing into a person that the Lord could use his to perform miracles and this movie is an example on how people can be a powerful servant in the hands of Lord all they need to do is try. I know what I am doing here is the true work of the God even though its hard I feel the presence of the Lord and its honestly fun to do this work! I hope you all have a super fantastic Christmas! without me, because you all know I bring the party! LOL! Thank you so much for the photos they were soo good and I love all of you soo much!!! only 1 photo! sorry I will take more I make an oath! and also if my camera works I want to get another one the people gave me a new camera, but the memory has a problem and now the front screen is cracked! but its all good. oh! we are skyping this friday at 1 and so we will see how it goes!only have 40 mins I think and I need to create a new skype  
oh the food was just an experiment some nacho cheese with rotisserie chicken with salsa and tostitos

Monday, December 15, 2014

26th Email Home December 15, 2014

How is everything going? Is Dad still sick? because, you said that he was watching a Chick Flick and normally hes watching explosions and wars and other manly things! Well, what happens when you watch too many chick flicks and then become soft and then when a spider is in the house he freaks out and tells you to kill it?

(I told Chad his former companion had emailed me and told me how humble he is and that he is the best in the field) Because hes my papa here in the mission field and so he defends me and so does everyone else everyone says you are the best! and I say no I am not. ( Chad says his mission home is...) like 2 hours away. ( I asked Chad if they were all alone and how do they get to the mission home?) Well we are kind of alone, we have the sister missionaries here with us and we travel by bus. I email in a public cyber and pay like 7 or 8 pesos for an hour this cyber is just full of computers pretty nice computers, but the screen is small theres like 13 computers here, and there are other cybers that have computers and videogame consoles like Xbox and yeah its hard not to watch them lol.

This week I started with my new companion Elder Suaste, he just came from the Mexico MTC and he is a fanstastic worker! He is practically prepared for the field, only the schedule is the only thing he needs to learn and then hes ready. My time here this past week has been a failure, all of the week long we tried to talk with people and meet with people, but no one was in their houses and people say I dont live here and others just say no thanks, but its all good I am learning how to be a better leader and a better trainer and people always compare me with others saying wow your really bad at speaking theres other missionaries that are new and are speaking better than you. When I hear this I feel bad, but I also think yeah I could be doing better, but also maybe this is how fast the Lord wants me to learn the language I always say to people my memory isnt that good so I am not like the others, but I try to learn, people say talk more I say what should I talk about and they say I dont know, for me I am different I dont know how to have a chill conversation, its easy for people to say just talk more, when they never had a problem with not talking, like everyone I talk with is always talking, but I will ask for the Lords help in this problem and I know he can help me with any problem. I feel drained and sore and everyday gets harder to wake up and so its a headache, but I will continue to teach and to help my companion and serve the Lord, as long as Im serving Im helping the process move a little faster. My position as a district leader and trainer is difficult and hard to hear what my district is saying to me, but so far the Lord has helped me to understand what my district needs and Im grateful for him and Im also grateful for my family and all they do for me whether its a prayer or just a simple letter, I feel 10 times happier and you are all very special to me. I love you Mom and Dad and Brandon and Molly and Jared and Garrett and Mandy and Crystal and Tamera and Wayne! and all you other people! well again my camera wont work so I guess next week or something. I will do my best to talk more, just when I try my mind doesnt work good. I will try to learn this language to the best of my ability! Gtg mum again... love you!

25th Email Home December 8, 2014

Hola, my favorite scripture is D&C section 19 verses 1- 4. (I asked him for it for his plaque)

My mission President is the best! I heard that the other President was a very strict and harsh President and everyone feared him and every time the interviews with him came around the missionaries after the interviews were crying lol, the stories the way Elder Brass and a few other missionaries explained were so FUNNNY!

I know you already heard about my calling I have in the field and that Im going to be training a new missionary from the MTC, but I like to express how Im feeling about all of this, because its a lot and I dont know how to speak spanish to the investigators and my district, for me I feel this pressure put on me and theres a lot of responsibility to be a leader of the district, but this part of me says you are going to be bad for a while and then later I will know how to run a district more smoothly, also that my new companion will know how to be a good missionary, I will do my best to be more obedient so that, my new companion will be able to teach without a problem. The whole night was a nightmare, I was thinking of all the things I need to do and I was laughing in my head, because I wasnt paiding attention that much to what my companion was doing and now Im paying for the things I didnt learn, but the Lord knew that I would do this thats why I have more responsibility and this experience will change me to teach with more of an impact and this for me is not a thing that is here to torture me, its for me to progress, because if I always had companions that had experience in the mission I would just be the same and this is not what I wanted to do out here, I want to change and strengthen my testimony and connection with the Lord. So I will go forward to do the work of the Lord and succeed or fail, its only what the Lord wants me to do. I came to the mission with no skills or knowledge of the gospel (well my knowledge wasnt the great) and I will leave the mission with a knowing of the great works that are in the scriptures and what I can do back at my house to fill all those that dont know about the love of God. I loves yalls familia! Yo amo todo ustedes mucho! 
 pictures of this beautiful land 

 Baptism of Adolfo an American that wanted to follow Christ Woot! Im a District leader and Trainer... Fun!

24th Email Home December 1, 2014

23rd Email Home November 24, 2014

22nd Email Home November 17, 2014

21st Email Home November 10, 2014

( I sent pictures to Chad from Halloween)

20th Email Home November 3, 2014

19th Email Home October 27, 2014

Monday, October 20, 2014

18th Email Home October 20, 2014

Monday, October 13, 2014

17th Email Home October 13,2014

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Chad's companion Elder Brass sent this picture to me.

Feasting while they are feasting.

16th Email Home October 6, 2014

Gifts from home!

Sorry, I dont have time to write to you, but I love you Mum and The church is true! the ones with me is my birthday pictures and the others were me and another Elder, Elder Cosigua, he has 20 months in the mission and the last is my companion with a drunk member.... Thank you for all the gifts and the people who wished me happy birthday thanks! I have to admit that I couldnt wait I opened my package on Wednesday, Satan tempted me! Loves you all! and Molly bears!
Elder Brass with drunk member

Elder Cosigua's apartment

Elder Cosigua

Outside dish washing?


Happy Birthday Chad! Pictures on the bed spell out Happy Birthday, from the Anaya Children

Pictures of Jesus were taped on the box to help with safe delivery.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

15th Email Home September 29, 2014

Sunday, September 28, 2014

14th Email Home September 22, 2014

My compañero es de México, but he lives in Muches en Dalor or something like that and I guess their language there is english and spanish, because they live kind of close to the border of U.S. and its cool, because I think they have all the things we do, but here in Chiapas these nice cars and technology, but electronics I have never heard of before, its weird. Oh I found out that, well my companion found out this, but Im serving in Zarahelmla like in the Book of Mormon, the ruins ( that I havent seen yet) have the dream of Lehi chistled into the ruins, we are not in the city of Zarahelmla, but in the land and its beautiful I want to take pictures of it all, but people are looking and Im supposed to look like a missionary not a tourist, but its awesome, because Im serving the Lord in the Land of the Nephites! Woot!
  Well at least youll be thinking about me while you eating In and out thats all I need, Oh can you eat a 20oz bone in ribeye for me please I need a real steak, because the cooks here dont know how to cook a steak they are good at making tacos and nasty drinks, its fun Ill think about the family as Im drinking Balso and Tasco late and eating tough steaks... The temple is soo awesome! man I want to go there! I can buy a rain coat, but its hot most of the time and when it rains its refreshing, because its cool and I love the rain its my friend, yeah except when we need to teach and we are soaked, but other than that its good. They have stores here like a place called Coppel its like a Best buy, but it also has clothes and perfumes, I bought a camera from a different store and the store is nice like coppel and I got a brand new camera, but the camera has issues so I think my companion is going to bash them today we will see what happens. The Coca cola here (not that I have tried it) is better, well thats what my companion said, that here they use all natural sugar here and in the U.S. its garbage. I cant wait for December too its hard! I wonder how its like working for Costco, or if they give good benefits. I hope the family can just feel the spirit can come into their lives and have an experience that will make them firm in the faith, that would be the best blessing ever. I wish Grandpa could just worry about what is going on in his life, because hes been working all of his life and to worry about others its good, but they need to learn how to deal with their own problems, but I have so say in this, because I dont know the problem. I love you Mom and Dad and Brandon and Garrett and Wayne and Jared and Tamera and Crystal and Ben and Mari and Molly bears! These pictures were taken when our convert Hno. Francisco which is a millionair, bought us quisedillas which we thought they were going to be small, but just one was the size of my head so yeah... solo queso y filete mmmm

Not sure about that spot on Chad's head.....a fly?

Monday, September 15, 2014

13th Email Home September 15, 2014

Umm, I think 226 is enough for a good camera, so we ll see what I can find theres a store that wouldnt take my card they said that its another bank and they cant accept, but its visa and debit and other locations like where I buy my food accept my card, but this one store is like NO! The camera I want is like 1300 pesos so like 130 dollars maybe more I cant remember. I have another camera, that another Elder gave me for free, but theres a problem with the camera when I turn it on it says low battery and the battery is full so Ill just get another one. Im glad you are having fun you deserve to have fun! Especially at work! I need to send you more pictures, but I can only send photos that have 6000kbs or lower per message so its time consuming...Oh can you please mail me a In and out burger please Im dying!.. or something you had from Ruths diner! Sweet I cant wait for my nano! Please thank Brandon for helping hes awesome!!! Oh,did you find a portable speaker? Im not familiar with Budge or Peterson well maybe I know  Brother Peterson, but theres a lot of Brother Peterson so Idk. Oh can you take pictures of the Temple please!?!? The only temple we have is in Tuxtla and thats 2 hours away from us we are in Villa Flores and its awesome except we dont have a real church yet we are using a building that a member owns and the church is paying for it right now, but they should be building the church soon like right now or this week, I cant wait! I wonder what the game is he quiting, because if its Runescape he is going to start playing it again, but maybe not he might be serious this time. One step at a time... 

  Im doing perfectly okay me and my companion just made it through our first transfer together so we are going to be companions for another 6 weeks woot! The lessons are good, because of my companion talking most of the time and then he has me share a part of the lesson with the member and every time I share my testimony about the thinks that strengthened me in the church and how they can receive the same blessings by keeping the commandments that God gave us. I stay kind of dry, but it rains every day so its hard to stay dry, but its all good I love the rain its cold and refreshing. I feel like I need more meat like Texas Roadhouse Bone-in ribeye, because when I bought a ribeye here it was good, but kind of dry and I paided 140 pesos for it, Ill show em how to cook a steak! It was a fancy restraunt, but all they need is a good cook. My clothes are doing exellente! I have to wash my garments by hand, but my socks and towels and shirts I have them washed at this laundry mat where I pay them to wash my clothes and come back the next day and there nice and soft and smell of freshnesssss. The food is very good especially in another place called Indepencia we had to visit for baptisms like 4 people and when we had the food it was of the High Heavens like God came down for this baptism it was like roast beef with rice I wanted more, but we needed to go back to Villa Flores which was a 2 hour drive so yeah, in a taxi with the taxi filled with people so it was cool. I like this one drink thats like orange and lime combine its a product of Coca cola and Coca cola is on every street here they worship it, its really crazy. I love other drinks, but I have no idea what they are called like wamacka thats not a drink, but something close to that lol. Oh and If you could make sure I always have 200 dollars in my account like every month por favor? Thanks for all you do and I havent received that dear elder yet so idk where it is. Oh and for Diciembre you need to have a skype account I can contact so we can talk finally! I love you MOM! and Dad! and Brandon and Garrett and Jared and Wayne and Mandy and Tamera and Crystal and Ben and Mari and Molly Bears!
Shopping Day!

My District

This weekend baptisms

Waters of Mormon