Monday, October 5, 2015

65th Email Home September 14,2015

HEY FAMILY AND BUDS! This week was an awesome week, with the rededication of the temple in México city! First, we went to a session that was about how the "Mormons" came into Mexico! It was a play that explained what is the Book of Mormon and what happened in the Book of Mormon and why it is so important, for us it was such a perfect video that explained to people that might not have know about the scriptures and now they know! The play later showed how they translated the Book of Mormon into Spanish and all of the play was full of stories of people that have felt the spirit and needed to find God and later the people find missionaries and their prayers were answered. It was very interesting, especially when all the actors were all Mexican, but they did a good job, I love my Mexican friends! 

 Then Sunday came and we had the choice to see the rededication at the stake center, but they had 3 different sessions during the day, we went at 12 and it ended about 1:30 and President Erying was there with Elder Holland! Elder Holland gave the most interesting talk, that I don't think I can repeat, because it's sacred and it was so crazily good! Other General authorities gave their talk and they could speak spanish, but President Erying only said,"Gracias" and which made everyone laugh! Then Elder Holland said," Tengo gozo en mi alma hoy!" and "Mi esposa es Hermana Holland!" and then again," Tengo gozo en mi alma hoy" the translation is, "I have joy in my soul today!" it was soooo funny and then giving his talk with such a tone that you could feel the spirit and the truth of what he was saying, then ended his talk in spanish, testifying to everyone that this is the church of Jesus Christ and that the temple is his Holy House! It was a moment so special and I can't wait to see them again in this up coming conference! 

  The gospel in these days have been blessing the people here in Tapachula, its hot and the sweat is real, but the spirit still works the same and its such a blessing to be along side our Savior Jesus Christ and the recent converts are preparing for their missions, in my first area, Villaflores a young man just told me that he just sent in his papers and here in Tapachula there is another young man that wants to go too, so I gave him my Preach my Gospel and all he needs to do is read it! Then he needs clothes, I have been thinking that when its about time to return home I am probably going to give my shirts to another young man that is leaving on their mission, I want to help these guys go without stress or a bad time, because they don't have a lot of shirts! 

 I am so happy that the mission changes people that weren't so giving or social and gives them energy to change and to learn how to manage money and how to clean a house ( although our house isn't too clean....) and to work with a companion, we plan out our day and then we go out to talk with people, wether they are angry or super happy, we learn how to handle all types of people and it's a blessing to be serving here with my companion, we know that God is with us and there is no one to say we can't do this work, only God has the power to say that! I love you FAMILY AND BUDS I hope to hear from you all next week! no camera still.... 

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