Monday, October 5, 2015

68th Email Home October 5,2015

Happy Birthday Chad!

 Well well welll Family and amigos!!! What a beautiful week it was!!!  I am glad that all could see General Conference, although my experience was watching it in Spanish, it was a special moment and I took a few notes to remind me of this moment! It's not as special without a family to enjoy it, but we do have our district and that was all the family that I needed to have a spiritual connection!

 We have had success with bring some of the investigators to the conference and it was a special moment, because I could feel the spirit and I know that they could as well! We have a young boy that was baptized about a year ago and he still assists and we are working on getting his whole family baptized! We invited this boys mother to church and accepted, although she already went before, it was a sign that one day she will be baptized!! 

 In these days the investigators are falling away and they can't hear the words of the Holy Ghost and so we have been focusing more in the message of the restored gospel of the church and if people understand this they, will understand everything and the only thing that they can do is get baptized. The truth of the Restored Gospel is here again and it is a blessing to have it so we can live in peace and happiness forever, I know that the Gospel blesses lives and it can change the life of everyone, we just need to exercise our," spiritual muscles" and we will have strength once again!

 I love the this Gospel I know that it is true and the truth is in the Prophets and the the scripture through faith and prayer! What the prophets said this week is revelation from God and today when we can start to be more learned and obedient to obtain this eternal happiness! Thank you family for all that you are doing to help me and the Lord!

I was the first man to enter this spa....!

I was dying of pain!!!
The doctor of the mission gave us anesthesia to resist the pain, but I didnt know we were going to pass by her house, let alone visit her, we were just looking and we found her! My toe is healthier than ever! We could walk for a couple of days, because it hurt to walk, because my nail cut into my toe and because it was raining a lot and the water here is dirty! BUT I am good!I found a camera! I haven't bought it yet, I found it in Walmart and once we go to buy today I am getting it! It's a lot cheaper than other super markets! My friends told me that Chiapas was poor and there is barely electricity.... we have a lot here! For my birthday...I am thinking about a Cheese cake, they are soo good here!! We have dinner with the members some times, but not all the time, here the members are a little low and so theres not that much to offer.. but its fun when we can come over! I think that was the idea in Chiapas to have members help with missionary work, the members visit the less actives and the missionaries bring more members into the ward, but the members didn't do it so the responsibility is on the missionaries! We can talk to them, but if its not their time to change we can't obligate them.... sadly lol Well we have to go get our hair cut so until next week!

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