Thursday, March 31, 2016

90th Email Home March 7, 2016

  Here in Huixtla, we have been in the house for about 4 weeks straight and I think finally we are going to have the opportunity to work a the max this week. My companion's nose is still healing and we were hoping to talk with the doctor this past Saturday, but it turns out that the doctor is on vacation or something and won't be back until the next week, so I think that my companion is taking matters into his own hands and he might go out to work, so we can have another baptism this week!! In this week we have another 5 investigators that went to church and they are ready to be baptized, just Alejandra is about 16 years old, but she went to church 2 times and only needs to attend 3 more times to be ready, I feel like we can baptize her and change her life, but that is more of the decision of her parents! We will be praying for her! There are also more people ready, but 2 of these people are moving to another area, so we don't have the privilege to baptize them, but it's okay. This area is full of people ready to be baptized and I am a part of this and its so awesome to see baptisms in this place, because I know that this area will be a place full of faithful members and I can't wait to see the chapel here! 

  We are planning to reactive a lot of less actives here, so at the end of our time here the church can receive tithings and more priesthood holders, although it is not our work to increase the numbers of the branch or of a ward, we are helping the members have a greater confidence in the missionaries and in their area, I hope at one day the members will be the missionaries and then the missionaries wont, be bugging the members about what needs to happen, the members are very supportive of the missionaries and they help the investigators feel at home. 

  Oh! Finally me and my companion's story was posted on the mission newspaper, so we are famous in Chiapas! We shared our story about Brother Angel and how he had his conversion to the Mormon Church and the newspaper has our picture with the Brother on the newspaper! My dream came true and now we are going to baptize more to keep everyone excited and to remember the miracles in our mission, I will keep you all informed if we have another miracle!  

 I have terrible news my camera ran out of battery, so I can't send my pictures, so I will have to ask you all to have patience. TANKS U's

I got to go, but I love you MOM! SSOOOOO MUCH, yeah and you POPs!

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