Thursday, March 31, 2016

91st Email Home March 14, 2016

HELLOS EVERYONE! Other day in Huixtla is a great day, we are loving it here! That is so cool that President Burton helped us! He put the seeds down and we are the ones that get to help it grow and help the people see the Gospel in its fullest and my spirits are lifted up with this time to invite everyone to get baptized! Huixtla is the coolest place that I have had so far, so I give thanks for those President Burton that had to fight against those Catholics, now we have an attendance of about 80 active members and some times we get more! I have kept all the newspapers of the mission, but there are some that I haven't received, but I will try to ask about them. Thanks mother for all your prayers to help our investigators, so they can get a chance to see the truth, it really does change a lot for the missionaries! =) 

  We still can't leave, because my companion needs to set up another appointment, then check how he is doing. It's pretty much the worst thing to be in the house doing nothing the whole day for weeks, all we do is sleep eat and I try to study my scriptures and my plan is to memorize more scriptures and read more of the Bible, it's very interesting.

 That is so great that you are going to leave your job and you can have a job that is a little more comfortable. I don't know too much, but I think you can start in the house and then later on after a while have a lot saved up to rent so that your are not going to risk nothing, but that you can gain more. Only an idea, but yet again I am only a missionary. Lol! It's sounds like a great plan to have a family reunion! It's important to have activities with the family, I feel like what ever activity we do will be fun, because we are together as a great family.

  I feel like it is an important responsibility to write every week to share what is going on and other things, I try to take my experiences and put them in every letter. I don't want to get you down, but I write one day in my journal and then I put it away and then later on I remember," OH! My journal!" it's not my intention to ignore the journal, but I am trying better in my last moments in my mission, so I my have my memories to remember those funny times and Spiritual moment. I feel like it was hard to get used to other places, but after awhile it gets easy and all your worries are learning the language and your studies and the people that you meet in the street. I am not going to lie, trying to talk with some random person isn't easy, for other missionaries it's easier, but once you get talking with them you can get past the first barrier( Which is saying"Hello") you can talk easily. I really have went from knowing something about Joseph Smith to knowing about the doctrine that is not taught very often and really the church is about having a testimony about the Savior Jesus Christ and then putting your faith in him and his leaders and don't try using logic to prove that the church is wrong, because to everything that we do, is supported with revelation and the prophets in the old times.

  All the members of the church need to do is work and trust in the your leaders and believe that they can help you and also help others that you are teaching. I know that this is the church of Jesus Christ our master, he guides this church and he loves everyone of his children. We shouldn't accept that thought that says, " You don't have a testimony!" I know that I have a testimony and I will never be tricked into believing that I don't have one. Pray for strength and you will receive it when you need it. I love you all so very much!
The beach of Puerta Madera 

Me with Elder Martinez( we went on divisions) 

 We ate a little bit with my companion and other Elders.

My food from a place called VIPs 
I thought I had more pictures, but no! I gtg love you MUMS!

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