Thursday, March 31, 2016

92nd Email Home March 21, 2016

Hello,family and friends! We didn't do much this past week, because we are still hunkered down in the house, but we are going to see what the doctor says, about my companions nose, because the stitches that my companion received, weren't removed and so there is a string hanging out in his nose, it's not noticeable, but he doesn't like when something is not right and he tried to pull it out, but he says that it hurts so much, so we are leaving it in the doctors hands again, I don't know if they are going to cut a little into the nose to take it out or what, but my fear is that, we are going to be in the house for another week. 

 The mission is the best experience, although there are times of sadness and times of pain, we get over the feelings of what is happening physically and we are taught to be focused spiritually and that's the best part of being on the mission, we learn more, we receive a lot of personal revelation, we learn things through the spirit and that's what helps us remember so many things and to always share the Gospel with others. I have still in practice that small principal, to "forget yourself and go to work", although I still think in the things that I need, I try to think, what my district needs and what the investigators needs also. This work is precious and those that come to the field should come with the mind set of only "work and work and work" then our reward will be waiting for us up in our mansions. 

  I feel a little off with pretty much not working for about a month and a half, also I have been being blessed for the extra time that I get to read more about the life of Joseph Smith and his wonderful story, how he became the prophet in these days, our mission President came to us this week on Wednesday to have a multi zone conference and with the stories that he knows about polygamy and about Joseph Smith are very interesting and it gets you thinking," Well, it's true that back then the prophets of old really needed to multiply and replenish the earth, because it was a commandment, so it makes sense that the saints in the times of Joseph Smith had to have multiple wives" There is a lot of scriptures that talk about people who did these kinds of things and the other churches accuse us for doing that in the past, also I have heard of other experiences, like when Nephi killed Laban, the investigator said to some other Elders that, "why would someone that is of God kill someone, that doesn't sound like God." It gets me thinking,( I am not sure if I shared this story before, but if not here it goes!) "why would someone say that?" Have they not read the Bible, where it explains how God killed a couple, because all they did was lie to someone and so God killed them, because of their sin that they had committed or other story about an Destroying angel came down from heaven and killed about 10,000 people, because they were sinning. Now we come back to the story of Nephi, when the Holy Ghost or God was telling him kill him, because it is better for one man to die, than a whole nation to dwindle in unbelief. I love the Book of Mormon and I know it is of God and that Joseph Smith had this great work to translate it and he did in about 60 to 70 days. I also testify that Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God and that he restored the Gospel of Jesus Christ again to the earth! I hope everyone that is reading this has their testimony, because we are in the Latter-days and the Lord is coming quickly and we much be ready to fight against the temptations! I love you all soo very much and Hope you can all enjoy your week together!
 My favorite milk in Mexico so far! 
My pancakes that I made( We don't have measuring cups, so I kind of guessed with how much I should put in the batter...)

Outside of our house is a man with his boy and they are getting paided to make cinder block.

 Me and my companion and the sisters of my district Sister Ramirez who is on the far left and Sister Hernandez in the middle. 
Me with Elder Runyan 
                                                                             Multi Zone Picture!

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