Friday, June 10, 2016

102nd Email Home June 6, 2016

Well, Hello to all! This week has been a little interesting! Because, we got to teach some members about miracles and help them to keep strong and go to church every week and it was great, because they came and got to hear the wonderful testimonies of thee other members! We also have been talking with another brother that lives right below the house of a sister member and we started teaching him, but he is a medic, so the time isn't really on his side, his wife (I think is a Jehova Witness) talks to him about her church, but he nor is family goes still, but we have taught that Jehova is Jesus Christ and also we have taught about the 144,000 people that are have been chosen to be with God, but it's bad for the JW, because they never read the whole chapter (Revelations 7), it's pretty clear. Lol! Then we gave this brother the Book of Mormon and left with our testimonies! He is going to be baptized, although he doesn't baptismal date, he will get that chance to get baptized! He just needs to go to church first! Lol! 

  I am not saying that it is hard to find people to teach, but a lot of people are super Catholic here, so when we teach about something that is in the Bible, they are normally nice about it and say,"No, Thanks." it's for many reasons, it could be, because they have accepted a message from another religion and the other religion just tells them to their faces that they are in the wrong! But not us, we go in with a smile and tell them," We have a message that can change your life!" and they are some times too scared to try, because of past experiences, also the other thing, is when you are trying to talk with them and they are straight up rude and they are very solid in their decision. Their intention for being in the Catholic church is, because they think that they have God, but it's normally for family tradition. I know that the missionaries won't give up and keep trying! 
  I don't know if you want me to talk about the members or the investigators, but since I have talked a little about the investigator part, I will tell you about the members. Coita is a Branch with normally an attendance of 70 members, when we first got here I believe it was a little bit more, but we will check why that is happening. The members are very dedicated to their callings, also they participate in activities. It's a very great branch, with the branch president, he is very honest in his doings ( He didn't serve a mission), the counselors of the president, normally have to teach the classes and Elders quorum, because the Elders quorum president moved to Monterrey, so they are working on that. Lol! The missionaries have to teach the Gospel principles class, since their are sister missionaries here too, we take turns! The branch here is some what strong, but we still don't have "The plan of the work of Salvation" which is a plan for the branch to make goals to complete and finish at the end of the year, but we are still waiting for them to answer questions that my companion left them, then we could see a lot more progress! The Temple is about 45 minutes away from us, using a car, but in a public bus, probably 1 hour and 30 minutes. We had the chance to go with the mission president to the temple and do a session with a other missionaries! It was awesome, I just had a hard time remembering the name I had been given, but other than that I did it! 

  That is great that you can see that we are just human and we aren't able to do all things the way we want them, but we can try and when we can't complete, it's an opportunity to look for improvement, we all need to improve! God is a big part of our successes! I can't imagine how it would feel to have cancer and to not have a cure, I hope that he had received a blessing and that through his faith he can conquer this illness once and for all! 
   The thought goes through my head a lot, that I will be going home in a week, then I push it out with another thought," Hey! I have a few days left!" I get that through my head and makes me think I have a lot of time left! Wow, that is cool, just about every where we move our house is always close to a cheap movie theater! I heard that the movies here cost about 24 pesos, which is about a dollar and 30 cents, it's pretty cheap! That's cool that you enjoyed your birthday and everything went well! I hope not to miss another one of your birthdays! Lol! 
  I love all of you and I hope that we can have faith to complete whatever task that is laid before us! God Speed!   

 My last reunion with multiple zones, is was an activity that was pretty funny! 

2. My Frozen yogurt, Mango flavor! MMM!

 Me and the Comp!
A view of the street of Coita! I hope you like my haircut, I didn't ask for it, my companion did. So, I am going with it, until someone tells me not to have my hair this way. Lol!

101st Email Home May 30, 2016

Well, hello Family and Friends! This week we have been working off and on, because my companion has to stay inside until 3 pm, but some times we can't leave, due to other problems that come up! We are going to work as much as we can, so I can end my mission with a feeling of me doing all I could, it's going to be an interesting time getting back in the habit again, but we are going to press forward and do it! I know that my mission has been filled with very special moments and moments that I really wish I would have done something more, like writing in my journal everyday, but I try not letting that get to my head, so I am good! 

 That is very cool to see all the American flags lined down the street. I am not saying that I wish I was in the United States right now, but I sure feel good to see the flags! I felt like if I wanted to know if there was a parade or fireworks, you would be the first one to know! Lol! It was pretty cool, because we would just be doing our thing and you would come into our bedroom or come into the house and say,"Hey, do you guys want to go to see the fireworks?!?!?!" and we are like," What fireworks?" then later on in the day we are looking up in the sky with explosions! I think we can work as a family to hear what is going to be happening in Ogden, like a parade! BUT, I can't wait for the 4th of July! Wooh!  
  To tell you the truth I haven't figured out the amount of money that I need, but thinking about it right now I think it would be nice to have some what around 100 dollars in my account, just incase I get through the airport and they charge me something extra that I need to pay for, but I will ask before them charging me. My companion Elder Fernandez is doing better, the diet that he has is almost over and we can start eating with other members and work a lot faster, the mission here is changing and I asked the Mission President about the 6 week program for returning missionaries and he told me that it hasn't been organized for Mexico yet, so better luck for the future generations! Bummer! Also, the Mission President was over in our area to ask a few questions about the members and how is the work is going here, so he pulled us in and gave me and my companion some what of an interview and later on while we were talking, he asked me if I had my temple recommend, I replied,"Yes, but the date I have had just expired pretty much." so, in that moment he interviewed me for a temple recommend and now I got to remind him to write one up, because he wasn't thinking he needed to interview me for that, but soon I shall have another one! Thank you sooo much for putting our names and those that are here in Coita, they are very great people and I know that they are happy when they receive more blessings, they always express their feelings in testimony meeting!  It would feel like a huge failure not to have too many baptisms, but that's the moment when someone needs to tell them that they are doing good, so they can forget about the numbers and just go to work! It would be sooo cool to hear that at least one of my converts brought someone else to the church, it would be a great blessing to see this! I know that they are capable of doing it, I will try finding their names on facebook later! That is a great story for all missionaries to hear! 

 That is a great to try praying to complete something, for me when I pray, maybe I want to help more people in the day, as I am walking in the street my mind is thinking in what we are going to teach and what is going to happen during the whole day, then when I see someone in the street my mind is thinking,"Hey! I can offer to help them!" but that moment is always the trial, we can receive a helpful message in our minds and it's always up to us to complete with the other half! I sure love the Celestial room too! I feel like I am in the presences of God and I am talking with him. I don't know if I am going to be too tried to go in the morning, but I thought we were going to the temple on Saturday? I am not trying to say that I don't want to go both days, but if you want we can go more blessings for those who are waiting!
 What! Rachael is turning 13! HOW?!! She has to stop growing too fast, really it's going to fast! Oh, that's great that you're 29 again, I hope I can have that same luck in the future! I know I far away from that, but I would love to be a kid a again! Lol! I will try doing something for a birthday present! But I don't know what I will do yet, so! Yeah! 

  WHAT! HOW DO YOU GUYS ALWAYS GET SOOO LUCKY?!!? Everything Free??!!!! Wow, I might want to stay with you guys a lot longer than I planned! Lol! It sounds like there is a lot of things that I need to catch up on! What a shame that the family couldn't go! ALSO COLD STONE ICE CREAM! Now you are just killing me! Well, not all the way, because you guys didn't take pictures of the Ice cream! HAHAHA! I glad you guys could have some fun! I too had fun! 1. My companion making sweet bread!(I don't know if it has a name to it in English!)2. Me making some sweet bread too! 

100th Email Home May 23, 2016

 HELLOS!(Yes, I spent hello with an "s" on purpose!) I really do agree, that the days are going by too fast! I think we need to have a family fast to longer our days, but if you can to longer mine! I really feel like the time is not on my side,  I want to baptize a lot of people and to help as much as I can before I go home, so I can feel like I have actually done something in Coita! Lol! I can't wait to see your project's, it will be a fun thing to see. Oh, I think I do remember her, is her husband the one that had the blue pickup? or am I wrong? I think I will remember when I see her face! But that is sad, but good for her, because now she is on a beautiful beach, enjoying a piƱa-colada! What a luck woman! Brother Herbert is still in the ward? I thought he would have been long gone, with having a family and all! Honestly, I think that if we grieve for 1 day it's okay, but you shouldn't carry on with those memories forever, I feel like it's like you don't believe in the eternal Plan of Salvation. For those who do grieve, like you said are going to be depressed and hurt for along time. Like seeing the people that can't let go of their dead son's clothes or they just leave their room the same forever, it's sad and it will eat at that person forever until they can change and let go. Save the good memories of loved ones and have pictures of them to remember that we were sealed and we will be together once again, that is the truth and the Love of our Heavenly Father! Good for you Mom, your faith in the Lord and his plan is wonderful to hear!

  Wow! That is great news! I would love to see more and hear more from him, interacting with the family. I hope he will feel apart of the family again, so we can watch him and his family grow! Sounds like a "Mad house", it must had been fun to have all of them! You guys still watch Mary Poppins??? Hmm. I have no idea why those kinds of movies bugged me when I was a kid, maybe it was because I liked more manly stuff like, explosions, cars, etc. I have really have been enjoying the music from the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, it has helped me feel the Spirit a lot stronger and I actually love to listen to the music a lot! I want to sing professionally, maybe not has a career, but my hobby to entertain the fam., friends, and others! It's just a dream of mine! 

 That FHE sounded good! I hope one FHE we can all do a service project for a neighbor or a family member, it gets me feeling good! We could do "How to make mint brownies" and then go door to door giving them out and then come home and eat some with a nice glass of milk! MMM! 
  Thanks, Mom for all that you do and for your outstanding support! YOUR THE BEST MOTHER IN THE WORLD! 
 This is a picture from one of the houses of a member we were with, nothing impressive, but you know. 

A members birdy was getting wet! 

This is my wonderful bed! And yes, that's a tiger on the blankets!

 A selfie with my beloved companion Elder Fernandez!
Well, sorry again it's not much, but it's hard work and I will get more for the next week! Love you!

Monday, May 16, 2016

99th Email Home May 16, 2016

Well, it sounds like the family is doing great! We are happy to announce that we are going to start working again, I don't know if we are going to work all day, but after lunch, which is at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. It's okay, because me and my companion work extra hard when we have the chance to work, so we will do our best to get up to par again! Also, get more baptisms! Right now, we have about 5 people that we can baptize, but only 1 came this Sunday and that was a bummer, but we will go and do the things the Lord commands! Honestly, hearing about that dream I hope that I don't appear that lazy! Lol! I want to come off the plane with the spirit of teaching and helping others, in missionary uniform! That's so great that there are people willing to sacrifice to serve others, going back and forth to help you complete the dining table, that's very awesome! I haven't seen Lynnea in such a long time! Where is she living theses day? Also, that is a lot of time being friends, I hope I can break that record with my friends! Lol!
  That's great to hear that Mandy is talking again, it would be awesome to have this family together and happy! That's comforting to hear that a lot are looking for a returned missionary that speaks Spanish! 
That's okay if Crystal is moving in and she is stealing my room.... I'm okay with what ever I can get! Lol! I am coming from a mission that is full of houses that are small and they don't have boiler to heat up the water and also the floors are either tile floors or just pure cement! They are nice! It's okay if you don't deposit right away into my account, the only thing is that I might want a few bucks to buy krispy creme in the capital of Mexico, I heard that there is a store there and I want my Krispy creme! Thanks Mom for the count down! Lol! I am sorry for the short message, but I am using a members PC and they need it so, I will write more the next time! LOVE YOU ALLL!!!¡!!¡!¡!¡
My companion got a package and his parents sent me something too! 

 Goodies! Thanks to Elder Fernandez's Mom! 

Monday, May 2, 2016

98th Email Home May 2, 2016

Hello! We have had a great week! First, me and my companion had the chance to go up in fast and testimony meeting and give our testimonies, the best part of it was when my companion mentioned,"Are you going to give your testimony?"and I thought that he was joking, but then he asked like 8 or 9 more times and so I responded to him saying,"Are you going to go up?" and he said," I´ll do what you do. But you go first." so I went up with a smile and I felt so great, I couldn't stop smiling until I started speaking in front of everyone, giving my testimony about prayer, the Book of Mormon and the priesthood. I feel grateful to give my testimony every time! 

  That is so crazy to hear that there are a lot of trees that are falling down, around the neighborhood! Keep inside! I have heard of a lot of testimonies at home and I think that a lot of them have been about 2 to 4 minutes long, but coming to Chiapas it's a different experience, because we have received counsel from the area seventies and they tell us that we should give a short and powerful testimony, talking about something like," I know that the church is true!" and then maybe tell a brief story, about how you received your testimony, but people don't receive that information or they feel like they can take all the time they want. It´s okay, but there are still a lot of people that want to give their testimonies. I love the times when no one goes up and then I feel that feeling that God is calling me to go up! Lol! That is a funny teaching from Brother Burton about the talk of King Benjamin. I always made that same comment in every time I taught about that story, but I didn't know about the Ensign, I knew that they had to write about the talk of King Benjamin, but that is a very creative way to think about the scripture! Lol! That is such a great teaching, requiring us to always to make visits, although the members that you visited are no longer on your list of people to visit, you should at least pass by and drop off a gift or talk with them. It's very sad, because a lot of people don't receive this type of attention and they feel useless in the church.

  The biggest fear is that, I might not be able to speak in English all the way. Some times I have a hard time speaking English, I start speaking and then a Spanish word pops up in my mind. I WILL give my talk in English and if it isn't correct the way I talk, I ask for forgiveness right now.. It sounds like the bishop is a very funny person and I can't wait to talk with him too! I would love to hear of his experiences! 

  HMMM... What kind of jobs are you thinking about doing? 2 cars are you guys going to give me one? Lol!  After hearing good and sad information, I want to try bringing the family close together, I might not have a strong voice, but I will help them, through prayer and talking with them through e-mail or Facebook once I get back. I would love to have a family reunion with all the family members. I want to live with you guys for about a year and then live with Brayden later, unless I have other changes in my plans.. I hope that Brandon is doing good. 

  OH! How could I forget! We have 2 baptismal dates, the both are named Luis and Luis Alonso and no, they aren't brothers. Also, we have 2 others that haven't come to church, but we will get them back in and they are ready to be baptized! So, thank you family for your prayers! You are all the bestest! 
 My first time grinding pepper, salt and garlic, with a rock! Lovin Chiapas! 

Monday, April 25, 2016

97th Email Home April 25, 2016

Hey, Family and Friends! I am sorry to say that we haven't had the chance to teach a whole lot this past week, my companion feels pain in his hip still and the mission president said that he needs to stay in the house for the week and I need to go with one of the young men to go teach and find new people, then after this week, me and my companion can leave and work together again, but we can't walk too much, because his hip gets swollen, when we walk about 17 miles a day and we need to take care of his hip. The members are very happy to have missionaries here, because we are having activities and are trying our best to help them in all that we are able to help. 
  We had a crazy experience on Saturday, the sister missionaries have a little boy that just turned 8 and so the sisters talked with the mother and the little boy and the mom wanted her son to be baptized and so the sister missionaries told us to pass by the house of this little boy, so we came by to see who was going to baptize him and this little boy came in and we asked him," Who do you want to baptize you?" and he said," I want the gringo!" I was thinking," I knew it!" Lol! I was okay with his decision. We waited until that day came for the baptism and the baptism was planned to happen about 4:30 p.m. and we showed up a half an hour early and when we entered no one was there and we called the sisters and we said," Where are you? There's no one here and the baptismal font is empty." and the sisters were shocked, because they told a brother to fill it up, but we didn't see the brother until he walked in behind us and he told us that he was trying to fill the baptismal font, but the water was draining out, so we went outside and we sealed the drain and filled the font, but it was late and people started coming about 4:50 to 5:10 and the water was pretty low, but we went on with the baptism and this little boy told us," I am a little nervous." I was thought he was nervous, because of the people that were there, so I got in the water first and then he got down and he was shivering and I thought it was, because of the cold water, but it wasn't that bad, so I asked for his full name and he didn't respond and so I had his name memorized and I repeated it to the 2 witnesses and they said,"Yeah, that is it." so I went on with the ordinance and after the prayer, he plugged his nose and I laid him back and then he took his hand off of his nose and started breathing in water and so I picked him up and set him on the stairs, then the mom,uncle, branch president, my companion and his grandma came over to give him strength to get baptized, but the mom didn't tell us that he was scared of the water, so he didn't get baptized, they are going to wait a few more years... 

  I didn't know that every 4th Sunday, the family has family home evening! Luckies! That is cool that some of the family could make it! It must have been a great experience to learn more about the Sabbath day. How was the family? Were they happy to be there? Did they enjoy the pizza and cookies?

 Wow! June is going to be a very busy month for me, I have a lot of appointments. I can't wait to go to the temple! My speaking skills aren't the best, but I will give what I got. I was going to talk this past Sunday, but the Stake president came over and robbed my time to speak! I don't have a lot of experience speaking in the church, I have only talked about 7 times in the sacrament meeting and most of the time I just read... Lol!  I am trying to learn to just talk more without using a paper, but I couldn't do it, because of the Stake President. It's okay. 

  Molly is escaping again? What are you going to do to keep her in? Finally, Dad will have a trailer! His dreams are being completed! Lol! Dad you are soo funny! But a very awesome Pops! I gtg, but I will be back! (Next week!)
Me drinking Strawberry lemonade in Chili's!

 I ate a Southwest Ribeye with a double side of fries!

My companion ate the Famous ribs and he fell in love with the corn!

 Our view at the front of the house

  Our family room with the kitchen.

My companion put hydrogen peroxide in my ear to clean it up.

  CARPET! is the best! We were in the church and some have carpet and others don't.

 I found another puppy that looks like Molly bears! Her name is Fifi

 Fifi is crazy!

My companion cooking jamaica with cinnamon. (It's a drink out here if you haven't heard of it, its pretty good.)

 Outside of the church.

More of the property of the church.

Our activity with the sandwiches.

My companion is using the costume for the activity. 

Me with my companion and the SANDWICH! 

Group picture of the branch activity! 

Missionary picture! With sister Molina in the middle and Sister Cotacachi at the end.

  We took a picture with the branch president at is house, for family home evening. He has 15 years since he dropped drinking alcohol! 

Group picture of his grand kids.

Monday, April 18, 2016

96th Email Home April 18, 2016

Hey Y'all! I have good news and bad news again. The good news is that we are gaining the confidence of this branch here in Coita and the people seem nice and happy to have the missionaries again in Coita, but the bad news ( Which we all don't like to hear) is that my companion has been having problems with his toe nails and they were ingrown toe nails, so for about three days of this past week, we were hunkered down inside the house again.... Everything is alright and we are going to do our best to make up what we didn't do in this past week, we are going to have a "Sandwich night", my companion had this idea to do this and the catch is that the ticket to enter is that everyone needs to bring their favorite sandwich that they really love and we are going to put all of them on a table and we are going to watch a movie " Johnny Lingo" and while the people are watching we are going to give everyone a sandwich that isn't theirs, so we are excited to see how it turns out! 

 I would love to do baptisms for the dead, I think it would be perfect! It sounds like a great plan to go to the temple! I want to go to the temple often when I get back,but honestly I don't like going alone. It is soo crazy, that the whole family is growing so fast, I have only been gone for about 2 years and everyone is changed, it's crazy! Lol!

  Yesterday, we also had our stake conference, but we didn't go to the stake center, we had the chance to see the conference through,"Live video" it was pretty cool, but the sound was bad on the Sunday session, also the camera was pretty low , so people were walking in front of the camera and some were talking with others, so it was interesting. Our Mission President and his wife talked about missionary work, it was also very funny when our mission president mentioned a scripture saying something like this," How beautiful are the feet of those that preach the Gospel...." The Mission President said," I don't know why they talk about the feet of those who preach, there are a lot of blisters and ingrown toe nails." I got a good laugh out of that one. Also the Temple president talked about the temples, also how the scriptures mention a lot about them, the Book of Mormon has a lot of references about temples, we just need to understand what they are saying.

  I love Coita! For me the streets are clean and the people in the streets are nice so far. It gets cold here some times, so I might be able to get my body temperature,back to Utah temperature! There aren't any super markets, just small stores, but I think it good enough. Oh, this is my first house that we get to have a gas burner, so it's pretty cool. I feel like we are going to have a lot of success here! The thing that is different from my other areas is that there are a lot of members in the church and the leaders are getting excited to work more with the missionaries. Thank you for your prayers and we will be in touch the next week! I might have to send all the pictures next week,because the computer isn't working.. but I love you all!  

Monday, April 11, 2016

95th Email Home April 11, 2016

 Hi! Beautiful family! The last time that I wrote to you all, I mentioned all the investigators that were going to get baptized and now I have good, but bad news and the bad news isn't about the investigators. The Mission President felt inspired to send me and my companion to another area and so we have to follow his words, so we felt bad leaving Huixtla, but about a day later we showed up in our new area and it is called Coita, Ocozucautla. If you can pronounce the name of the place you are amazing! About the family that we were about to baptize, it was so bad, because we wasted about 3 to 4 hours filling out papers and then on another day our zone leaders showed up and interviewed them and then we finally found out that they had their membership papers, it was sure an adventure! We knew that they were members, but their membership numbers weren't showing up... I don't remember if they mentioned how long they had being less actives. And Yes, they are excited to go back to church! It would be great if you could still put the investigators names on the roll still, I am sure they need help.

  I haven't heard about the 6 week plan still, but when I have the chance to ask I will. I would love to have guidance after my mission, so I can find a good job and be super active in the church. Jack is almost 8???? What! That is soo crazy! If Crystal and Ben need me to baptize him I would be happy to do it. I sure Ben is going to baptize him, but if something happens and he can't, I am here! I really love my Mission President, I feel comfortable with him, I feel like I can be open with him when I need to be. I hope everyone in the family can be together before I get home, so we can enjoy experiences together while we are together! I did receive the picture of the quote and I love this. It makes me feel the spirit strong. I really love the talks from Elder Holland. I need to go, but I just want you all to know that I love you all! 
 I took a picture with a different zone, because we were leaving our zone. 

wanted to take a picture with my first companion.

Our First trip in Coita with My companion and 2 sister missionaries 

 We took our last picture as a District.... 

When we were leaving Huixtla.

Monday, April 4, 2016

94th Email Home April 4, 2016

 Hello! For this past we had only 1 baptism! The family that we wanted to baptize were already members, we were looking for their names in the computer and we finally found them and so the baptism was called off for them. We had to change their names in the computer, because a lot of their names were spelt wrong, so by the permission if the President of the mission, he said that we can count these changes as baptisms, so we had about 7 baptisms, also we are going to have more baptisms on the 25 or 26th of April. Their names are Faridy, Alejandra and Jackilyn! It's awesome! The people are flocking to us! 

  That is soo nice of John and Rosita, I will try to find some thing! The conference was very interesting, first because it is my last conference in the mission and I don't know about you all, but the choir sounded even better this conference. I loved the talk about the "Pride and being humble" by the new apostle, I can't remember his name. It was in the first session almost at the middle of the 1st session, it was pretty powerful. I was also waiting for the talk of Elder Holland, but he didn't show up, but then at the end they called him! I was soo excited to hear what he had to say! He is soo funny. 

  I haven't heard of anything about the six week plan, I don't know if we have this down here yet, but we will see when I have 6 weeks left. Thanks for putting a lot of concern for our investigators, I am sure that is why we are baptizing so much in this transfer. It means a lot to me, that you are praying and fasting for these investigators, they really need it. We are going to work harder to assure that they get baptized! 
This is the Dad of the family Balbuena, diggin a well. 

 Spaghetti with tomato sauce using tuna instead of ground beef... We're poor.


The brother of the sister that is got baptized! I don't have the picture of the baptism! WE forgot to take one!

Thursday, March 31, 2016

93rd Email Home March 28, 2016

HI, EVERYONE! I just wanted to say thanks for all that you are doing, to pray for me and my companion and to fast, because this week we have another baptism and her name is Rachel and she will be baptized this Saturday, yeah we know that it is cutting it close to conference, but we are doing it in the morning, so it's going to be good. Also! The next week, we are going to baptize a family of 7 on the 9th! It is sooo cool to see that we are having a lot success. I think for all the prayers that everyone has done in the past has caught up with us and we have a lot of energies to baptize more! 

  It has been a hard time to adjust to the missionary schedule, because we have been in the house a lot, but we are going to work harder to find new people and to change the lives of all that we teach! I love the energy that we have in this area, it has given me more hopes to teach everyone and to have a chance to baptize them! The thing that gets more excited always is having a chapel here in Huixtla and we are going to meet this goal if we can visit some people that are about 1 hour from our area, because they have been attending another ward and it's not in their boundaries, so they are about 20 members more to our branch and that will give us about 90 people that will be attending church and we need to maintain that attendance for 3 months and the church is going to build a chapel here finally, but the sad part is that I won't be here to see it..... ; ( At least the members will enjoy it! 

  The family looks sooo different, like Jamison with his hair bleached! Rachel with braces! Dad's hair is more grey( no offence = P) and the family looks a lot happier. It's because the Lord has blessed us as a family and there are more blessings that are to come. That's so great to hear that Wayne is coming over, it looks like our family is almost complete again! I hope that Dad doesn't feel obligated to serve cookies every Sunday, I think Dad is in a tough position, but I know he can complete with his job! I really love the pictures of the family, although not all of the family was there I hope to see them again soon! Thanks family and friends for your Amistad! 
 My SUSHI! I only ate 2 rolls! I am weak!

 Dorito roll, it was the worst roll I have ever eaten! 

Group pic from the left to right, Elders Martinez, Estrada,Patricio, Hasen(In the back), Fernandez( comp) and Laurel and me!
  Picture with the zone leaders Elders from left to right Stewart, Fernandez, Laurel and Portlock( finally me and Elder Portlock are in the same zone and we have been spending a lot of time talking!) 

Elder Chavez in the middle and me and my companion on the sides. In the OCC 

Normal picture.

Funny faces with the youth of the branch! 

This is all I have for this week! I love you mom I GTG! 

92nd Email Home March 21, 2016

Hello,family and friends! We didn't do much this past week, because we are still hunkered down in the house, but we are going to see what the doctor says, about my companions nose, because the stitches that my companion received, weren't removed and so there is a string hanging out in his nose, it's not noticeable, but he doesn't like when something is not right and he tried to pull it out, but he says that it hurts so much, so we are leaving it in the doctors hands again, I don't know if they are going to cut a little into the nose to take it out or what, but my fear is that, we are going to be in the house for another week. 

 The mission is the best experience, although there are times of sadness and times of pain, we get over the feelings of what is happening physically and we are taught to be focused spiritually and that's the best part of being on the mission, we learn more, we receive a lot of personal revelation, we learn things through the spirit and that's what helps us remember so many things and to always share the Gospel with others. I have still in practice that small principal, to "forget yourself and go to work", although I still think in the things that I need, I try to think, what my district needs and what the investigators needs also. This work is precious and those that come to the field should come with the mind set of only "work and work and work" then our reward will be waiting for us up in our mansions. 

  I feel a little off with pretty much not working for about a month and a half, also I have been being blessed for the extra time that I get to read more about the life of Joseph Smith and his wonderful story, how he became the prophet in these days, our mission President came to us this week on Wednesday to have a multi zone conference and with the stories that he knows about polygamy and about Joseph Smith are very interesting and it gets you thinking," Well, it's true that back then the prophets of old really needed to multiply and replenish the earth, because it was a commandment, so it makes sense that the saints in the times of Joseph Smith had to have multiple wives" There is a lot of scriptures that talk about people who did these kinds of things and the other churches accuse us for doing that in the past, also I have heard of other experiences, like when Nephi killed Laban, the investigator said to some other Elders that, "why would someone that is of God kill someone, that doesn't sound like God." It gets me thinking,( I am not sure if I shared this story before, but if not here it goes!) "why would someone say that?" Have they not read the Bible, where it explains how God killed a couple, because all they did was lie to someone and so God killed them, because of their sin that they had committed or other story about an Destroying angel came down from heaven and killed about 10,000 people, because they were sinning. Now we come back to the story of Nephi, when the Holy Ghost or God was telling him kill him, because it is better for one man to die, than a whole nation to dwindle in unbelief. I love the Book of Mormon and I know it is of God and that Joseph Smith had this great work to translate it and he did in about 60 to 70 days. I also testify that Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God and that he restored the Gospel of Jesus Christ again to the earth! I hope everyone that is reading this has their testimony, because we are in the Latter-days and the Lord is coming quickly and we much be ready to fight against the temptations! I love you all soo very much and Hope you can all enjoy your week together!
 My favorite milk in Mexico so far! 
My pancakes that I made( We don't have measuring cups, so I kind of guessed with how much I should put in the batter...)

Outside of our house is a man with his boy and they are getting paided to make cinder block.

 Me and my companion and the sisters of my district Sister Ramirez who is on the far left and Sister Hernandez in the middle. 
Me with Elder Runyan 
                                                                             Multi Zone Picture!