Tuesday, January 5, 2016

76th Email Home November 30, 2015

Hola?Well,well,well Family and Friends! This week was a wonderful experience, a lot of people are in a happy mood and it might be because, we invited them to baptism or maybe because it is almost Christmas! It's getting harder to find people these days, because people are working harder than ever for Christmas and to go on vacation, so there won't be so many people here in Tuxtla, so we are going to have to dig a little deeper to find the people who are ready to accept the Gospel! 

   The time here on our P-day is a little different, because we don't wash our clothes,by hand any more there are members that have laundry machines to help, but to be honest, washing by hand is way faster! I just want to adjust myself to the laundry machine again... Lol! We usually wash our clothes in the morning and later on in the day we get on the computer, but some times it changes, so I don't know what to say.. 

   Well, the story of the picture is that we were walking (Like we normally do) and we found a grove and we like," That looks soo beautiful!" but we continued to walk until we,"saw a pillar of light!" and we looked at each other and I said," I want a picture!" and so my companion guided me to were the camera could capture the perfect picture! We took about 4 or 5 pictures to get it right and it was an awesome experience! Hey, maybe I will be famous once I get home!?!? I just felt like it had to be done and so, we did it! 

  For this Christmas we are going to have a early Christmas Lunch with the President of the Mission and we are going to use our talents to have fun! So me and my companion are going to sing," Savior, Redeemer of my Soul" It's Number 112 in the Hymn book. We are going to sing another version of the song that another artist did so, we will see how is goes! I will try to record it to show you all when I get back, because I can't sent it through E-mail.. 

   That's cool that Brandon could make it! I hope that everyone is doing well! Do you have a lot of pictures of the parade? also, of the family?? What happened with the other fake christmas tree? It's soo grate to hear that the family could make it and could enjoy the time together! I will try to take a lot of pictures of the Christmas here! Starting with! 
 This is one of the houses of a member!


 Eating with Elder Mayret, he's from my generation! Eating Pork!

 Canyon Sumidero with the Mexican Flag! Vive México! 

 The sun of the night in Tuxtla! 
Well, I hope you received my message and all 5 pictures that I sent, because it says on my side that I sent it but, it's not showing up! I love you though!! 

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