Tuesday, January 5, 2016

81st Email Home January 4,2016

 Hi,everyone! This week for me was a complete booster for me, because as me and my companion were walking around, we have found new people during the week and they are pretty excited to know more about the church and some of them even accepted our invitation to baptism, but we have to wait until the 13th of February, but it's okay we can wait, because then they will be members that know the Gospel!     The weather here is still pretty cold, about 2 days ago I was dying of the cold here and I like the cold air, but without a jacket or a sweater it's pretty bad, unless you are by the coast. 

  I don't really have advice for a missionary that is going to come out here, only that to be prepared for the hot weather and to bring a light rain coat, although if you are in Tapachula, you are going to get soaked no matter what, also to prepare not to have hot water to shower with and also to protect your technology from being exposed to humid areas (Places by the coast), but other than that, you just have to get adjusted to the problems in the state. My clothes that I have are still in good condition, the only thing is my socks and my old shoes, but other than that I have enjoyed my clothes, but I probably wouldn't buy the same clothes, because they were too expensive, but I had money to spend soo, why not. 

  I feel like the best part of my mission is the change in the person, also the opportunity to learn a new language (which I never thought that I could learn), it is a blessing to be here and I will NEVER change my mind, there are always moments that are hard, but we learn and we move onward and learn from our mistakes, also we learn to believe more in the power of prayer. Yesterday, at the end of our day we pretty much had 7 minutes left until we had to return home and so, I suggested to my companion," Should we pray to find someone else?" and he said," Yes." so we said a 15 second prayer in the street and then we ended and then I started running to the next street and there were about 2 some what drunk guys sitting by the side walk and we talked with them and they were interested in the message, but they lived far away, but I think it is in our area, if not in the area of our District leader... 

  When I heard some thing about Molly and that was frozen for awhile, I was like," No!! Molly can't die now!!!" Then I read the rest of the story, now I am okay. I just want to thank you all for your dedication to help me and Brandon, I hope that everything goes well and that everyone can complete with their goals for this year! WOOOT 2016!8.Eating a Turkey leg! It was soo good! this was for new years!

 More picture of the pups! 

 George and Arely ( Arely is member) 

I found some cool cups! 

 Mmmm ( I wasn't really drinking anything)

Poor piggy ; ( 
Me taking a picture of the food with my companion! 

Eating a Turkey leg! It was soo good! this was for new years!

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