Tuesday, January 5, 2016

79th Email Home December 21,2015

Mamá! We don't know when to get on the Skype! What time is better to talk? So, the 25th the is alright?
 I would like to say that I am getting very excited to talk with the family, but I am also nervous, because I might not know how to speak English very well....lol! I hope everyone can make it to the Skype call, it won't be general conference, but a very special moment for this Christmas! I hope that Brandon accepts my gift, I was thinking a lot about what to get him so, I feel like it will touch his heart! We don't receive snow here, but we do get cold here! It is hard some times to be in the cold because, I have been in different places that are a lot hotter and so, when coming back to Tuxtla I have been dying!  

   The investigators have been a little busy this past week and so, we have been trying to look for new investigators to teach, but no one is here! Everyone is leaving on vacations and so, the streets are pretty empty, but we are still finding people to teach so, it's okay! We have an investigator that before, wasn't really interested, but now that we passed by her house to talk with someone else, she came down the stairs of her house and said," Finally! You guys came back!" and so, we went in to talk with her and she was a little more focused on what we had to say and at the end we told her to say the prayer and she always says," No!" and so, all we did was just wait and we looked at her and she started laughing shaking her head, saying, "No." we said," come on sister." and so, she was like, " Okay!" and so, for the first time she said the prayer, but she was part of the Jehovah Witness's and so, waiting for her to say her prayer and waiting to feel the spirit, she started with, " Heavenly Father, Jehovah" exactly like that and through out the prayer she was saying," Lord Jehovah" and so, I couldn't feel the spirit in this moment, but we are going to mention this with her the next visit! The same day we found a boy that was sitting down on some stairs and we started walking towards him and his phone started to ring and when he answered, we came up to him and he told the person on the phone that," I have to go, the Mormons are here!" and when we heard that, we started to smile and we were wondering," have you talked with the missionaries before?" and he said," Yeah!" and he said that he also attended FSY 2 times and he loves the church and all, but his parents are Catholic and they don't allow him to go anymore, but he 17 years of age and so he can make his own decisions soon, I hope. I don't know when his birthday is!

  I love to be here with my companion and these members they are so fun! We had our Christmas dinner finally! We went to a house of a member that is rich and his house is pretty nice and big, he and his wife both served missions, but I don't remember where so, we really had a great time, I also had the chance to see a member of las Palmas ward and it's soo weird and very surprising to see all of them again, I feel like Tuxtla is so small, but it is soo big!  

More decorations


 Me with the Comp!

Canyon Sumidero with a Rainbow.

Another picture of the Canyon!

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