Tuesday, January 5, 2016

80th Email Home December 28,2015

Hola,  Hey, Family and friends!  I would just like to thank all that has prayed for me and for our investigators, I know that one day that our investigators are going to change and accept more of the Gospel in their lives, we are trying our best to help these people change their ways of life and it is not easy, first to accept and second, to make the change. We are still trying to look for ways to help the people that are ready right now for baptism, but maybe what we need is the help from some members, so we are going to find a friend for every investigator that we have, so that on Sunday we can see everyone HAPPY! 

  It was soo, great to see the family together on the Skype call! Although (for me) I thought it was a bit weird at first, because I didn't know what to say and the family was running out of questions to ask, until we pointed out Brandon, I do not recall what I was saying exactly and the experience has left an impact in my soul, I think about this experience and I feel like it was about a minute ago, the spirit fills me with the knowledge and power to talk and I have learned something from this experience, first for the past few weeks I have been asking God to help me have a stronger testimony of the Book of Mormon, because in past conference with our leaders they mentioned that we need to have a testimony every day, by praying to God for help to understand the scriptures in a different way, after this experience that I had with Brandon, I was testifying of the things that are true and real and for this experience, I know the Book of Mormon is true and I have been touched that nothing or nobody can take away my testimony.

  I can't wait to have a family reunion! It will be soo awesome! I have to think of some goals that I can make to have a change in my life and for the lives of others, so I will try to remember to think about them! I thought before my mission, it is pointless to set goals, because my mind was sent on just go out and do it, its was a good plan for a while, but when you are out in the world, it doesn't work too well, we have to make plans to complete, so that we can accomplish them and then move on to the next goal! It is sometimes hard to make goals or keep on track with them, but we can always ask our Heavenly Father for help! I Love you all and I hope everyone enjoys New years! 


Me drinking chocolate milk! 

More Chocolate MILK!

 The high-way in Tuxtla!

 Me with my comp. with Fam. Sanchez!

Temple in Tuxtla!


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