Tuesday, January 5, 2016

78th Email Home December 14, 2015

 In the past week, I was thinking that we weren't going to see anyone, but guess what there are more people to talk to!! So, we need to make the Christmas for these people a special one, inviting them to come unto Christ, because it's pretty much our theme for this month, so we are going to work our tails off this month to baptize and help the less actives change! Me and my companion Elder Juarez, have another chance to stay together, the transfers were received today and we are excited to work another transfer and the thing that is awesome is that this transfer is 7 weeks and not 6 this time, so its going to be a blast! 

  Woot! I didn't get to meet the old bishop, but I am sure I will get to learn and love the new bishop! Just like you we are going to have a ward Christmas party, but we still don't know if we are able to go, but we will go check with our leaders to see if we can eat some holiday food! We are going to try to invite as many of our investigators that we can, so we can invite more to accept God in their lives! 

  We got to see in the temple dedication of the temple Tijuana and Dallin H. Oaks and President Dieter F. Uchtdorf were there to dedicate the temple and Elder Dallin H. Oaks was explain how in these days we don't put a cornerstone in the ground anymore and that they respect the idea,"But now we use mortar" said, Elder Dallin H. Oaks, because its a little more efficient to use concrete now. It was a little different to see that they sealed the cornerstone (that was a box made out of cement) with mortar and each of the leaders of the church came up to fill in the gaps, but there was still more space to fill in, so president Dieter F. Uchtdorf called up some of the youth from a crowd to fill in the gaps that were left over and it was a moment, that was so special, I could feel the spirit and the truth of the work we are doing! The most interesting part of the whole thing was that the temple president that was selected is the son of Gordon B. Hinckley and they were so excited to be there and help others to obtain, ever lasting happiness! 

  I would like to thank all the family and friends that have prayed for me, in my mission and also for our investigators! I hope to see all of you on Skype! We might do it on the 24th or between 21st to the 27th, but I think it's more on the 24th! On the 24th we are kind of planning to talk on skype is it okay?

Tuxtlacito! with me! 

...more of Tuxtla!

 It's a Catholic thing here! A huge group of people walk in the street for days, gathering more and more people along the way. This is a little group!

The canyon sumidero! 

 A Christmas tree, beside the Jesus statue! 
My companion.... Texting..

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