Monday, July 6, 2015

48th Email Home May 18, 2015

Thanks mom for the wonderful bear picture! I havent seen a real bear in ages! I just wanted to add that I changed areas on Wednesday, it was emergency transfers, but honestly all I did was move up a hill from my old area! My new companion is Elder. Giles from American Fork, Utah! His family lived in Oregon for a long time and for about 2 years, have been living in Utah! I know we are farther away from his family, but, Hey Cool! Our area has like a million hills that are steep and the days are a lot colder, when it rains, its a good thing that it has started to rain! We have an family that we teach and they are practically members, the mother is always asking us,"Are you guys hungry?" and just barely we just got out of eating with her, we had hamburgers and they were soooooooo good! The funny part is she said," Its missing more ingredients" Im like what! How can you possibly make it any flavorful? I looking forward to that day! Oh, and I again I am district leader! I will do my best to help my district to feel full of energy to help others come unto Christ, I didnt have much time to write today, because the plans fell through so I will write more the next monday! LOVVVEEE YOU ALLL!
  ME! With a hat thats not mine... 

Chocolate frappe( that a member made) it has oreos, hersheys syrup, sugar, some type of thick cream, and a lot of ice and blend that up into a beautiful chocolate frappe

Avengers 2 is already out here illegally! woot! All the movies are cheap here!

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