Monday, July 20, 2015

57th Email Home July 20, 2015


( I asked Chad how far he was from the ocean and if he has been able see it)

I cant see the ocean, but there is a HUGE Volcano here we can see all the mountains and compared to this volcano they are nothing, but I heard its not active... boring... We have a few new investigators, but they arent progressing. Molly is sooo funny and still the same puppy dog! I hope she never changes! 

This Saturday we have a baptism and we will be praying a lot for all the others that haven't accepted the message!

This week has been good, we have been trying to get more members to accompany us, but almost always in the last minute they tell us they can't, its okay, just we need to have friends for the investigators so they feel comfortable and if they have any questions the members can help them and if they dont know we're always available to help! Tonight we are having  family home evening with the Bishop and his family and we are going to make BROWNIES and not the cheap kind! 

 Tapachula has been good, it always starts off hot in the day and about 6 it starts to be cloudy and dark and it starts to sprinkle and nothing more. Everyone tells us that its not the same, it usually rains like rivers and winds really strong, but I havent seen anything that bad. Oh, I think it was tuesday when we had another water problem! We woke up like all the other days and after saying our prayers, I put my feet in my slippers and I looked at the floor and it looked polished and I moved my feet and I said," WHAT! Again!" the whole floor was covered with water even more than the last time, my journal was on the floor and so suffered the consequences! Now I need to repair the book, because the cover fell off... the suitcases got wet again so I put them a little higher and all of this happened in the night time and everyone said that it was so bad the wind was super strong and I want to say that the streets were flooded more than ever, but I got some rest in! Woot! 

  I am good with my socks that I have right now, I will use them until theres nothing left! Their is a member that wants me to buy scripture covers for my bible and Book of Mormon, but its outrageously priced, for skin of a Boa snake its like 55 dollars and for crocodile its 65 dollars! He told me that its real, he brought the Boa skin to church to show me, its nice, but expensive! 

  The time with my companion has been great and I have been learning a lot from him, our experiences here in the mission are priceless and I am grateful to have made it this far and to have known the people in every area. Sorry, I didnt take pictures this time only a Iguana that was trapped in one of the class rooms of the church!( I dont know how, but it there and it was real!) and a Dog that thought it was a human for a second.

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