Monday, November 16, 2015

74th Email Home November 16, 2015

Hello, Family and Friends! This week has been a blast with my new companion Elder Juarez! He is from Tamolipus and has been to the United states only to visit, but went to Hollywood and Utah and Texas, because Texas is right above him so, it is a great experience to talk with him! He doesn't speak English a lot, but he is learning quickly, he only has 3 months in the mission field and he is a fireball and it is so fun working with him! He is like my old companion Elder Armstrong, he is so happy to be here and ready to learn and work! 

  I have been trying to learn the area that I have, but it is too big! The cool part is that the Zoo is part of our area! The hard part is that there aren't too many members here and pretty much, there aren't any youth in this ward and its kind of sad, but it's okay, because we have a lot of people that want to know about the church here and we almost have a few baptisms too! I can't remember all the names of the people, but I think by the next week I will be a little more stable! We have a brother Mariano that was living in Arizona for a lot of time and was going to our church over there and he learned a lot and knows that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and so we invited him to be baptized, but was a little unsure until we explained the feelings of the Holy Ghost, then he understood and accepted baptism! Now we are just waiting for the day to come! 
  Well, to answer the question on how we travel from place to place is that we, go to a place that is called OCC and that is where we wait to take a bus with a group of missionaries to our destination! Sadly, I am not across the street from Starbucks, but I am about 20  or 25 minutes from it! I will try to be more active in taking tons of pictures of everyone and everything to catch up on all the time that I haven't been posting pictures! I love you family I have to go, but I will talk to you all sooooon! 
 Chiapas! so beautiful!

Our study room!  
 The cross of Jesus Christ!

A Cloudy day in Tuxtla
  Our First activity! Giving thanks was the Title!

73rd Email Home November 9, 2015

well,Family I have been in Tapachula for 6 months and I have sad news that I am going to be leaving! My new area will be Tuxtla again! Although I am going to leave this beautiful place, I can't wait to see what my area is like and my new companion too! His name is Elder Júarez and that's all I know right now, because I don't leave until tomorrow! So wish me luck!

  My companion continued being sick for about 3 days more and then, we left the house, FINALLY! It was so boring just sitting around! We have been having help from the youth of the ward and so we really enjoyed that time with them!

  Our investigators are leaving us!! One of the sisters that was so close to being baptized has left to Tuxtla..!! But that's where I am going hahaha! Then another moved to another city, but it is okay I am sure she will be baptized soon!! 

  I probably had an espiritual experience this past week, but either I don't remember or I wasn't paying attention... The only thing that was very impressive was when a recient convert was asking for us to borrow some oil to bless his baby. This moment was very special, because normally everyone runs to the Elders to bless their children. I am not saying that we don't like to give blessings, but when there is an able priesthood holder in the family. I don't want to deny giving a blessing to someone in need, but the family should have a patriarch to help I every moment!

 I haven't had the chance to go to the zoo, because here in Tapachula there is no zoo, but there are ruins, that I have never been to, but the tour guides help the people understand what happened in the time of the nephites and lamanites, they explain how people were doing rituals and this was in the times when they were wicked  and they also did sacrifices and other things, but that was I heard from my companion, I don't know if I will ever have the opportunity to see the ruins and the dream of Lehi carved into stone, but it's okay I don't need something to see to build my faith! 

 In our ward we have family home evening every friday at 6 pm and we try to invite everyone that we can, but no one comes, so we are planning to do a sport activity and invite the less actives to have a good time to come back to church!

Well, I have to go, but I will try to put pictures up the next week! Con mucho cariño! Elder Rolando!

72nd Email Home November 2,2015

 Well, this week was a good time to help a lot of less actives come to know of the Gospel more, with the help of some youth to help explain the gospel and their testimonies, I think that they spoke with power and with the love of Christ that helps these people leave their shell and come to know of the goodness of Christ, it's sad to hear that many believe and know that the church is true, but they don't want nothing to do with the church, only to hear messages from the missionaries and with this, I am grateful for them not giving up completely, they want to come back, but they just need that boost again to help them change! The reasonings of why things happen or why do we do things different from other churches is all answered in the scriptures. Me and a few other Elders were talking about the scriptures and what's in the earth and alone with that we were so overwhelmed with all the doctrine and how everything that is in the world, like the strange things and cities well, pretty much everything is mentioned in the scriptures and in there we can find our answers, but not only this but through personal revelation, we can comprehend everything if we are searching with really intent and it is for the benefit of the plan of God! 

 The way Jared is yelling into Mari's face is a bit rude, but it looks super funny, I don't think Jared will ever lose his sense of humor, I hope he never does either, because he is made to be funny! I feel that the family is actually working to change and they want to have a better life. I hope that Garrett and Wayne will make good decisions while they are working out there. 

 Is Mariasha Maleficent? And Jared is Shrek? It's okay if you don't have anymore pictures. I have bad news, but also good news. The bad news is that my memory had a virus and so we took off all the pictures that we could, and deleted all the viruses, but I can't plug in my memory into the computer right now... The Good news is that I have pretty much all the pictures in another file and they are all safe, also the member, that was helping us recover my pictures said, that he can try to bring back my pictures that were deleted from my memory and then I won't have a problem! I am also thinking that I going to buy another memory that comes with a anti-virus protection so I can use my camera's pictures again. Well I have to go I hope to hear from you all soon! Sorry for writing sooo late, my companion wasn't feeling well and we were in the doctor's office all day long! LOVE YOU ALL!  

More pictures that a sister was helping me take! these were pictures from my Birthday! Sisters Diaz and Sister Castillo!

71st Email Home October 26, 2015

Hello family members and friends alike! How is everything going? Everything is good here, although there were signs of the hurricane in México, it didn't touch Chiapas! In Wednesday, it was soo crazy I have never seen so much water in the streets in my life! The water was a little higher than my knees and we still had to work, but not everyone was willing to open up their doors to recieve us, so we went with a sister that is less active and we helped her to think about going to church, but she isn't less active for nothing, she always has family members that want to come by her house and the days are always Saturday and Sunday! So, she says that she can't go because of them, but I think we need to teach her to be more dedicated to the gospel, we normally invite her about a week before, but always her family comes out anyway..( Her parents-in-law aren't members of the church!) 
  Our investigators as of right now aren't coming to church, we always invite them to come chill with us and they always say,"Yes!", but they don't come, so we are trying to plan with our ward mission leader to help us put together a group of members that can help these investigators come to church, so that they can have a friend to talk with and people to guide them! We are going to talk with sister Alondra today to see why she couldn't come to church on Sunday! To tell you the truth we are finding more less actives than investigators, everyday more there is a less active calling us to help them and my wish is that all of them can come to church and that one day the ward can split and this area can grow bigger! There is only one less active that doesn't want to hear from us right now, but the other less actives are accepting us everytime and they want to change! I'm still with my same companion Elder Avila and we are learning how we can help this area to be more active!!!! 
 The weather here has been extremely hot, before it was okay, but now I am feeling the burn! The only thing is that I cannot tan here, everyone is tanning except me! I am like a walk sunscreen!! The only thing that I like about my body is my immune system, everyone is always getting sick and I am like,"What are you guys talking about?!!?!?!", I can eat all the food that the members give me and the most recent craziest thing that I have eaten was a raw turtles egg and everyone that was eating it was saying," It's soooo Good!!" and I was like," I was okay.... What's next?" Although during the day I felt a boost of energy from the egg and it was quite nice!  
  I hope the things Crystal is selling is going well! Less things for me to carry around, that I will never use! Aww, I kind of miss Halloween, when I got free candy and I got to dress up as my favorite characters, those were the good ole days! I hope to see a lot of pictures of decorations and Chewy!
 We recieved the new Liahona that talks about Joesph Smith and How he translated the Book of Mormon! It was so perfect and awesome is here so much information about the translation! The Article talks about mysterious objects that Joesph Smith used to help he in this process, There is a lot more that explains his experience during this time! About my camera's memory I think it deleted all the pictures that I have tooken with my companion, but don't worry I HAVE MORE!! WOOOT!! I have my card that says that I am a missionary of the church and then it has the dates when I entered and when I end and yeah my mission will be cut off 3 weeks!! It's pretty sad and kind of sucks, because I want to stay longer, but we can't even extend our time here! Oh and I will try to take pictures of my scripture covers for the next week! But they aren't so beautiful with the drawling, because the brother onloy had a nail to engrave the picture to the skin, but I think that I can find someone at home that knows how to work with cow hide, but I don't know! 
 The only people that are constantly writing me are, My companion that ended his mission Elder Montes, Johan( He is a member from the first area, and he is leaving to serve his mission in México city!), on occasions my old group from the MTC! I haven't had time to respond to everyone I always have to sacrifice not writing one person! NO PICTURES! My memory deleted everything! Well until next week!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

70th Email Home October 19,2015

 HI family and friends! This week in the mission field has been interesting finding new less actives and getting a few to come to church was an awesome experience, because there are a lot of people that are far from the church, but all they need is a little budge! The families here are so nice, it's just a little hard out here, because a lot are saying," we don't have time", because their work hogs up all of it, no one gets paid good unless you work with the government or open your our business and the cool thing is that the church has opened the program on how to be more self reliant and they have 3 different areas to work in one is to help you study more efficiently and leave college with a plan in mind and the other is how to manage your business and the last is to help you start your our business and work without falling! I was very interesting when we had ward council and there was this one brother that explained all of this clearly and said,"You don't even need money to start and the goal is to be able to have more time to help your family and pay for your bills and for fast offerings and tithing!

   Sister Alondra, that we are helping to get baptized is getting closer and closer to her baptismal date and she likes going to the church a lot, just that her boy friend has been sick for a while and she has been taking care of him and it has been hard these past few weeks for them, but everything is going good! They are still happy and thats what matters more! We have been seeing other investigators and they are all good, but they aren't attending church, so our goal is to fast for them to help them continue! I know that fasting will change a lot with our investigators and also help us baptize more people, so we are going to see what happens this week!!! 

  I really liked the missionary momma's workshop, well the advice! I feel like a lot of missionaries compare and others think that they are better than others, but really if we could just forget of ourselves and give all of our energies to the who are looking for the church, everyone would have more sucess and their mission wouldn't be a burden for them. Always my goal is to be the best that I can to give everyone the chance to accept the Gospel and to enter into sacred covenants with the Lord and through this the mission is a delight for me to see people getting baptized! 

Finally little Cesars!! some thing is wrong with my memory I think I have to buy another one, because it's not letting me see my photos!


Monday, October 12, 2015

69th Email Home October 12,2015

HELLO Familia y Amigos! This week has been a blessing to have with energies high and spirits at their maxium, we are getting closer to another baptism!! Sister Alondra has her date planned for the 24th of October, but we forgot that the ward has a especific day to go to the Temple in Tuxtla, which is about 6 hours from Tapachula! So, we have to cancel the date and put it a little further, only to the next week! Then, we are going to invite another sister Alondra to get baptized  and another sister Daniela, so everything is going AWESOME!!! 

  I feel the blessings rain down, when I hear about the family fighting against the darkness, it is so nice to hear these words, it brings peace to my soul and a ton of energies to help more, the people that are out here! God is blessing the family, I know that he is always here and when we need him, he will give us an answer! I have a firm testimony of these things! I don't doubt in the power of prayer or fasting or the power of the holy Priesthood, it is a power that is real and anyone can receive the council of the Holy Ghost!

 We are loving the hot days here in Tapachula, but when its cold its like Utah! When really it is about 75 degrees! The sisters missionaries, baked a cake for me and had to eat pretty much half of the cake, but it was good! Then it was really filling, when we had to eat afterwards!! But it all fit perfectly! It's been a little hard for my comp. this week, he has been sick with a stuffy nose and mucus, but we are still strong and still working! He doesn't want to buy medicine, I don't know why!?!!?, but he is doing better! MAN POWER! 

 Well, today is when I go to buy my camera and we will see if I don't break anything in the week, but I will be sure to take a lot of pictures to keep everyone updated! I have more pictures of the week, I just need to ask a few people to share the PICS! BYE FAMILY AND LOVED ONES until next week E. Rowland out!

Monday, October 5, 2015

68th Email Home October 5,2015

Happy Birthday Chad!

 Well well welll Family and amigos!!! What a beautiful week it was!!!  I am glad that all could see General Conference, although my experience was watching it in Spanish, it was a special moment and I took a few notes to remind me of this moment! It's not as special without a family to enjoy it, but we do have our district and that was all the family that I needed to have a spiritual connection!

 We have had success with bring some of the investigators to the conference and it was a special moment, because I could feel the spirit and I know that they could as well! We have a young boy that was baptized about a year ago and he still assists and we are working on getting his whole family baptized! We invited this boys mother to church and accepted, although she already went before, it was a sign that one day she will be baptized!! 

 In these days the investigators are falling away and they can't hear the words of the Holy Ghost and so we have been focusing more in the message of the restored gospel of the church and if people understand this they, will understand everything and the only thing that they can do is get baptized. The truth of the Restored Gospel is here again and it is a blessing to have it so we can live in peace and happiness forever, I know that the Gospel blesses lives and it can change the life of everyone, we just need to exercise our," spiritual muscles" and we will have strength once again!

 I love the this Gospel I know that it is true and the truth is in the Prophets and the the scripture through faith and prayer! What the prophets said this week is revelation from God and today when we can start to be more learned and obedient to obtain this eternal happiness! Thank you family for all that you are doing to help me and the Lord!

I was the first man to enter this spa....!

I was dying of pain!!!
The doctor of the mission gave us anesthesia to resist the pain, but I didnt know we were going to pass by her house, let alone visit her, we were just looking and we found her! My toe is healthier than ever! We could walk for a couple of days, because it hurt to walk, because my nail cut into my toe and because it was raining a lot and the water here is dirty! BUT I am good!I found a camera! I haven't bought it yet, I found it in Walmart and once we go to buy today I am getting it! It's a lot cheaper than other super markets! My friends told me that Chiapas was poor and there is barely electricity.... we have a lot here! For my birthday...I am thinking about a Cheese cake, they are soo good here!! We have dinner with the members some times, but not all the time, here the members are a little low and so theres not that much to offer.. but its fun when we can come over! I think that was the idea in Chiapas to have members help with missionary work, the members visit the less actives and the missionaries bring more members into the ward, but the members didn't do it so the responsibility is on the missionaries! We can talk to them, but if its not their time to change we can't obligate them.... sadly lol Well we have to go get our hair cut so until next week!

67th Email Home September 28,2015

Buenas? HELLO EVERYONE!!! We've have been working a little harder to find the less actives, it's and it has been rough! We teamed up with an old Bishop and he helped us find the people that were hiding in their stores and houses, not saying that they are bad people, but we would always pass by the less active members and we found one in her business, then said," Now who sent you guys here?" and we said," The Holy Ghost." and then we started talking to make them and her family is soo nice the only reason why they don't assist is, because the sister that we found doesn't like some of the members and she tells us that she doesn't like reading or praying, but we will see about that, once she's back in church! 

 We are still working on helping sister Cecilia get to church and also another sister her name is Alondra and we are helping them progress to get baptized, but Cecilia didn't come this week, but we will help her come to the General Conferences to hear of the Prophet! Also Sister Alondra couldn't go, because she wasn't feeling to good, we are going to be visiting her soon so that if she doesn't feel good still we will give her a blessing.

 The time that we put into helping these people everyday gives me the feeling of helping them more and so my mind forgets about what my needs are and whats more important. I love being a missionary and to help others! I always think of when we baptize someone, I think of the bigger picture that we are giving this family a chance to enter into the kingdom of Heaven and its soo cool to think about that and I want this time to last forever so that everyone has that chance! I have to go.... But I LOVE YOU ALL!!!

 Me and my companion on the other end with a returned missionary that returned to Japan, he served in Australia English speaking and he passed by here, because his girlfriend lives here and they are planing on getting married soon!!

I was feeling a bit talented in the church!

66th Email Home September 21,2015

...I woke up with a horrible night mare about Chad. I was so worried about him. I said a prayer right away and then his father said let's a prayer so we got done on our knees and prayed for his safety and that we would be at peace....When I wrote him I didn't tell him the details I just told him that I had a bad dream about him and questioned whether or not he was ok or was it just a silly dream...

I believe it was a silly dream the only nightmare is when my companion eats a lot of fatty foods! Happier than ever!!! = ) I haven't checked to see if I have money yet, but im sure its there.

Hi Everyone!!!! The latest in Tapachula, Chiapas! Its hot, its humid and it's sad to say, but I am one with the sun right now, we have air conditioning in the church and it's soo cold there, I don't think I am ever going to come home!! Our Land Lord of our house finally came over to repair our house! Apparently, when the people made the house they thought it was a good idea to put a pipe in the wall and this pipe was connected to the roof, with the pipe in the wall and the rain here of Tapachula, it would always fill the bottom of the wall,because the pipe wasn't blocked and so thats why we have been having rivers in our house, but everything is changing here, its a good thing that all the houses here are made out of cement! Thanks to the Nephites!!! 

  Our investigators are progressing pretty slowly, because most of them are adults and need to study and to work, so we are using prayers and the Holy Ghost to guide them to have time to go to church and to listen to the messages! We are also starting to work more with the less actives, because I heard that there are about 200 to 300 less actives only in our ward, we have the ward directory and members that are willing to work and so we are going to active everyone!! Then we are going to need another Church! WOOT! We have about 125 members assisting the church every week and with this boost of the others we could one day have a Temple here in Tapachula!!! 

 The works of God are very hard to understand some times, some problems like why aren't the members assisting like they should be or why can't we baptize a ton of people every week, if we teach everything good and work with the person, like asking questions or doing service for them, they should be more likely to accept the Gospel in their lifes, but when they reject the message it's not because you could share a scripture good enough, but the Lord has a time for everyone and we are always going to be tested to grow and to learn and there are times when we feel tired and we need a rest, we need to remember in this moment that what Christ has done for us, all of his sacrifices for us and never was for himself, but for the good of others. The thing is we need to keep trying to help others and not to be down on our selfs, because this will get you no where only to lead you to the same path. Remember our Saviour Jesus Christ always and act in all dillegence and you will conquer your battles! 

  Oh, Mom! I have new shoes so don't worry! The bishop gave me boots, but they look good and they are new and they are steel toed, so they will last a little longer!! Today I go on the Hunt for my new camera!! I hope I can find one, but if not I will wait until December to buy a really good one for less!  Well I gtg I love you FAM AND AMIGOS!

65th Email Home September 14,2015

HEY FAMILY AND BUDS! This week was an awesome week, with the rededication of the temple in México city! First, we went to a session that was about how the "Mormons" came into Mexico! It was a play that explained what is the Book of Mormon and what happened in the Book of Mormon and why it is so important, for us it was such a perfect video that explained to people that might not have know about the scriptures and now they know! The play later showed how they translated the Book of Mormon into Spanish and all of the play was full of stories of people that have felt the spirit and needed to find God and later the people find missionaries and their prayers were answered. It was very interesting, especially when all the actors were all Mexican, but they did a good job, I love my Mexican friends! 

 Then Sunday came and we had the choice to see the rededication at the stake center, but they had 3 different sessions during the day, we went at 12 and it ended about 1:30 and President Erying was there with Elder Holland! Elder Holland gave the most interesting talk, that I don't think I can repeat, because it's sacred and it was so crazily good! Other General authorities gave their talk and they could speak spanish, but President Erying only said,"Gracias" and which made everyone laugh! Then Elder Holland said," Tengo gozo en mi alma hoy!" and "Mi esposa es Hermana Holland!" and then again," Tengo gozo en mi alma hoy" the translation is, "I have joy in my soul today!" it was soooo funny and then giving his talk with such a tone that you could feel the spirit and the truth of what he was saying, then ended his talk in spanish, testifying to everyone that this is the church of Jesus Christ and that the temple is his Holy House! It was a moment so special and I can't wait to see them again in this up coming conference! 

  The gospel in these days have been blessing the people here in Tapachula, its hot and the sweat is real, but the spirit still works the same and its such a blessing to be along side our Savior Jesus Christ and the recent converts are preparing for their missions, in my first area, Villaflores a young man just told me that he just sent in his papers and here in Tapachula there is another young man that wants to go too, so I gave him my Preach my Gospel and all he needs to do is read it! Then he needs clothes, I have been thinking that when its about time to return home I am probably going to give my shirts to another young man that is leaving on their mission, I want to help these guys go without stress or a bad time, because they don't have a lot of shirts! 

 I am so happy that the mission changes people that weren't so giving or social and gives them energy to change and to learn how to manage money and how to clean a house ( although our house isn't too clean....) and to work with a companion, we plan out our day and then we go out to talk with people, wether they are angry or super happy, we learn how to handle all types of people and it's a blessing to be serving here with my companion, we know that God is with us and there is no one to say we can't do this work, only God has the power to say that! I love you FAMILY AND BUDS I hope to hear from you all next week! no camera still.... 

64th Email Home September 7,2015

I have been taking out money this past week and I still need to take out about 25 or 30 bucks, because I wanted to buy a protector for my scriptures and its made out of real cow hide and the member that sold it to me told me that, he didnt understand what I was saying, when I told him 600 pesos (like 35 dollars) to make the covers and he said,"Okay!" and then when we went to go pay the first part he was saying that it was 500 pesos each cover (like 30 bucks each one) and I was like no I am not going to pay for the covers, because my companion also understood that it was 600 for the both covers, but its okay if he was lying to me just to score more money, he will have consequences and I love my new scripture covers!! The pictures that I asked for weren't printed the way I wanted, but its okay, the brother didnt have the right equipment to make it beautiful, only a nail type thing... But they are nice! I have to take a picture maybe I can ask my companion! We have transfers on the 28 of September and its always every 6 weeks we have the possibility to change. Every mission has different rules and things. My favorite area I think it might have been Las Palmas 2 for right now. The members were so helpful and happy the young men are so prepared to missions and they always wanted to help us in anyway and yeah also it had walmart and starbucks and a sister that would always give us free hamburgers!  I will check my account in an hour, but I still have to pay for the covers for the scriputures 400 pesos more... Then yeah I free! I got to go, but I love you soo very much and Good Luck at work!!!

Monday, August 31, 2015

63rd Email Home August 31, 2015

Monday, August 24, 2015

62nd Email Home August 24, 2015

Hola, Family! Hows everything going???!!? This week has been good with my new companion, it turns out that he is from my generation and I have never seen him before, but it is so cool to see another missionary with the same time! I heard that he lives by the volcano, named,"Popo" and all of his family are members and active! 

 We have 3 investigators that are in a line to be baptized! Brother Hector, is a father and his wife and 2 daughters are members and his son, doesn't really want to hear right now, but we invited him to be baptized on the 5 of September, but he fell again, he didn't show up to church, but we are not giving up on him!! Sister Cicilia is a new investigator and she is soo excited to hear more and to learn more! The problem right now is that her mom might lose her house, because they dont have enough money and they might be living in the streets soon, but I know if they lose their house, they are going to be fine if they keep the commandments and strive to work hard the Lord will bless them! Brother Fernando, has accepted another date to be baptized and all we need to do is keep on track with him to get him baptized! He knows everything pretty much, he just feels rushed maybe... But we will help him in this process! 

 On Sunday, I was the first to pass up to give a talk and to my surprise I lasted more than 12 minutes and I still had more to share! The counselor past me a note saying that I needed to end. I was like," WHAT!" then the sister missionary gave her talk and the same thing happened to her and we also sang a special hymn and then our ward mission leader ended with the same sign saying," Tiempo, Gracias!!!" and so I felt so happy that I could give a talk that lasted longer than normal!! 

 That was what happened this week. Whats the family up too? LOVE YOU ALL SOOO VERY MUCHO!!!   

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

61st Email Home August 18, 2015

 Hey Family and Amigos! I just wanted to mention that my companion Elder Montes just ended his mission, it was a little weird seeing him leave, before I was calm and once he said," Bye!" and went on the bus to Tuxtla, I felt like some thing was missing from me for a second, then waiting 5 or 6 hours later my new companion showed up! Elder Avila, he has about 14 months in the mission and he is from Puebla! I couldn't take a picture yet, because I still don't have a camera, but I will try to figure out a way! 

  The area is still doing good, after 2 weeks Brother Paoki called us saying that he wasn't feeling good, thats why he couldn't go to church, but we will be waiting for him in the church with smiles! Brother Fernando might be leaving to the United States to work soon and we need to help him get baptized quick and send the missionaries where he will be working over there to teach him more! The other brothers and sisters are progressing slowly, but we will check on what we can do to help them progress a little faster! 

 Oh, since Elder Montes left, the responsibility of giving a talk has been past down to me and it will be on " Mission work" I used to get very nervous, with these things, but now its like "A walk in the park", maybe the Lord has given me the strength to press forward( even though I dont give a long talk) and to speak more with the people here and that is my goal to talk with more people, I will explain how it goes! 

 Wow! The house is almost empty? It sounds like you and Dad will be living in peace for a while, until I come. At least you'll have Molly to accompany you both! I hope everything works out with your part time job! Good Luck! Mum! 

As for my shoes I didn't really look for someone to repair my shoes, but I know where I can find one if my shoes break! I will check more about the camera and how much it is and send you what I need to get it. It's okay if I don't have all the money in the world. I have a family that loves me and I am still living and happy, so thats all that matters! Oh! There is an Elder that is rich and his parents know one of the co-owners of Café Rio and they always receive free food and he said that I can have as many as I want, because they have soo much, LOL! 

 I feel loved by so many and thats a lot of love coming from the USA! Yes, the Bishop wrote a message, but I dont have much time to respond, I am really slow at typing... LOL! Other people write me, like a youth man from my first area, and Heather, my first district in the MTC still write each other, so its okay! 

 Thank you Family for all you do everyday, to keep me going! You're all awesome in what you're all doing, I hope to hear more from the family soon, in your latest experiences! I love you all! 

Monday, August 17, 2015

60th Email Home August 10, 2015

 Hola, FAMILIA! This week has been a blast! We first started off our
preparation day a little short, because the next day was the activity
of all the missionaries in Tapachula! We went to the ocean and had so
much fun, but we couldn't go swimming, we could only have the water to
our knees... But it was fun, we made a sand castle! Lost some things
in the ocean and we played volleyball a little bit of soccer and a lot
of people got burnt from the sun, but everyone is okay.

  We have so many people that want to hear about the Gospel, but so
many of them are from the other border, there are a lot that are
coming from El Salvador and Honduras, because its really dangerous
over there, but these people are so full of happiness! They were so
happy to find the church and to be there and have promised to come
back, their is one of them that was baptized in El Salvador and has
been member for 5 years and ever since we have known him, we have
given him clothes ( that other members give us to give him),
mattresses, because he left his family in El Salvador, trying to find a
stable place to support his family and right now him and his family
have a small room with clothes and a bed with food, because he just
found some work and he starts today! I am sure he is so grateful for
the Lord has done for him and how we happen to have a few spare
mattresses to give him with some food its incredible!

  This past week is has been tough even though we had an activity and
a lot of people went to church this week, my legs touched the sun of
the ocean and pretty much from Thursday to Saturday I was in the house
recovering from my sunburn, it was the same kinds of sun burns that I
have received in the past, we just need to be safe and my time in the
house was so boring, sitting around doing nothing and so I have
learned to put sunscreen on every part of my body and not on the spots
that I think I will be good.    

 Beginning the Sand castle!

Zone PiC!

Mission President George and his wife in the back

 Elder Suaste!

More construction of the Castle!

I wanted too help

Completed (I took the picture too late, there were gates and cool stuff, but I didnt take the pic)!

59th Email Home August 3, 2015

So nice!


 I was feeling a bit noodly

( No I didnt make it I bought it)
¡Buenos Días Familia! Well, first off I am happy to say that we have a lot of people to teach, but the sad part is that our baptism for the past Saturday was cancelled, because our investigator lost his PHONE! So, we didnt know what to do! We are just going to wait until we can see brother Paoki and Fernando again and get them pumped for this week so we can finally have a Fiesta! On Saturday we also had an activity with the youth, that they could experience one day in the mission! We went and taught a few people in that day, because our day was pretty much planned to go to the Chapel and leave for an hour and return again for food and leave again, so it wasn't the full experience, but hey! At least they tried, the boy that we got was good for a while, I think we walked about 4 or 5 miles and he was officially tired!( We did our part!) Then we ended with our testimonies, it was an awesome experience! 

  We have been trying soo hard to find new people to teach and we find them, just not the ones that progress, we teach every person that we find, but every person has their own church and so we don't attack them, for what they believe in, all we do is, we teach more about the need of the Holy Priesthood, its really important to help the people here know that their was a power that all the Prophets had in the old testiment and also in the new, so they can see that they need is authourity to do something like baptism. 

 This past fast and testimony meeting, we had the chance to bare our testimonies, although I have a little bit of time in the mission I have been get a little nervous to give talks and give my testimony, but these past few weeks that I have given my testimony, I have been feeling more confident and not so nervous! YAYA! I kicking out the old Chad and moving in the new!  

  I haven't heard of a program about when the missionaries return home they recieve guidance. My companion is about to go home and nothing has happened to him yet... I dont think it reaches down here. Now I know why you guys picked that house its, because there are jets like right next you Dad! When I heard that I was like it was Dads idea to move there! LOL

My 50 pesos hamburger!

 Elder Montes(smiling) Elder Gomez the companion of the one who is sleeping Elder Suaste(My son) LOl